  • 學位論文


Efficiency and Productivity Change of a Taiwan’s Liner Shipping Company-An Application of the Input-Oriented Distance Function

指導教授 : 張寶光 黃台心




In this paper, a representative of the domestic container shipping industry maritime cases internal microstructure of the regular route information, the case against the company in Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Atlantic 21 regular routes, etc., from 2003 to 2007 data estimated that the quarter. In order to truly capture more realistically the shipping company's operating characteristics, In this paper, utilizes the meta-frontier of the input-distance function approach based and then derived the meta-frontier of the technical efficiency and productivity index of the detailed composition of change in the elements used to provide evidence. The main empirical findings are as follows, first of all, outbound of meta-frontier and technical gap ratio was significantly higher than the inbound, This is subject to the Taiwan-based of export-oriented economic impact. Secondly, outbound of meta-frontier average productivity changes are than inbound meta-frontier of the average productivity change in no significant difference, however, outbound of productivity changes and constant returns to scale of technical efficiency change and technical change in the constant returns to scale are significantly less than inbound. Third, outbound of the production technology vis-à-vis the potential level of technology can enhance of the space significantly smaller than the inbound. Integrated words, compared with the past papers which focus on the level of industry, In this study, the case company to route data from micro-level analysis, and will be extended to issues of productivity change and catch-up in efficiency in the evidence, could provide more specific information to the management of enterprises as a basis for the development of business decision-making.


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