  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Operating System in Interorganizational Networks: Taking the Long-Term Care System in Nangang District as an Example

指導教授 : 陳志瑋


組織網絡的出現,主要是因應社會環境的快速變遷。在面對一連串多元複雜的挑戰下,造成組織放棄傳統層級節制的單一、獨立式組織結構,而試圖發展具有整合性質的組織結構。形式上,組織運作的轉型是運用「整合」作為組織朝向組織網絡運作的整體概念;實質上,組織運作的各面向轉型過程,則必須藉由「整合機制」的具體方法達成組織各面向朝向組織網絡運作。因此本研究試圖探討南港區長期照護體系在實務上的整合運作過程。 本研究主要以南港區長期照護體系運作作為研究的主體,而研究的層次,主要是針對網絡內,多組織間各方面互動所進行的研究。研究的主題分為兩個面向,一為探討造成南港區長期照護體系運作型態的轉變原因;一為探討南港區長期照護體系由獨立型組織轉變為組織網絡運作之整合過程為何,並且比較分析整合前後組織型態在運作上的差異與優劣。 本論文之研究發現如下: 1.主要影響長期照護體系朝向整合式的網絡發展的原因為受照護者人口結構的增加,以及需求的多元化和專業化的服務導向,此可藉由組織人口生態學理論的角度來加以解釋。 2.在法制結構關係的部份,南港區長期照護體系之各組織的法制結構整合包括:自建、契約委託與非正式協調互助關係。 3.在權責結構的整合部分,南港區長期照護體系符合Pointer等人所提出之集權控制模式。 4.在服務關係部份,南港區長期照護體系的服務整合機制分別為:單一窗口、跨專業團隊與個案管理。


The appearance of interorganizational networks mainly is in accordance with fast change of social environment. Because of facing a succession of many complex challenges, organizations must give up the traditional organizational structure of unitary and independent hierarchy, and attempt to develop the organizational structure of integration. Formally, the transformation of the organization operating is using “integration” as the overall concept. Essentially, the transformation process of the organization operating is using the concrete methods of “integration mechanisms“ to achieve the various aspects of the organization operating. Therefore, this research tries to discuss the integration operating process in the practice of the long-term care system in Nangang district. This research mainly studies for the operating system of the long-term care system in Nangang district. The level of this study is aims at the multi-organization various aspects interacting in the network. The research subject divides into two sections. One probes into the transformation reason for the long-term care system in Nangang district. The other is discussion the process of the independent organization transforming into the operating system in interorganizational network, and then comparatives the integration of the organization system in operating difference, and the pros and the cons. In this article, the discovery of research is as follows: 1.The major reason that affects the long-term care system transforming into the integration of the network development is according to the increasing of cared population structure, the diversity of needs, and the professional services. The result can be explained by the organization ecology theory of population. 2.In the relations of legal system structure, the integrated legal system structure of the organizations under the long-term care system in Nangang district are: make, contract commission and the relations of informal coordinated cooperation. 3.In the integration of the power and responsibility structure, the operating system of the long-term care system in Nangang district is accordance with the centralized control model proposed by Pointer. 4.In the service relations, the integration mechanisms of the long-term care system in Nangang district are: single intake, multidisciplinary teams and case management.


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