  • 學位論文


The Research of the Unployment Problem and Government Resolution in Taiwan: A Comparative Study between Chen Shui-Bian administration and Ma-Ying-Chiu administration

指導教授 : 劉淑惠


本論文探討2000年迄今之兩朝政府陳水扁與馬英九時代的種種促進就業、抑制失業之方案,並彙整兩位總統所採用之政策工具並與鄰近國家採取之方案互相比評,進而分析其利弊得失。 本文所得之研究結論為:兩者的促進就業方案,陳水扁政府時期的政策似乎多偏向補貼性質為主,而在馬英九政府時期則採取較多元的政策應變。 細部分析:陳水扁與馬英九在降低失業率政策上,有其政策延續之處,也有相異之處。相異之處為:兩黨之政黨意識型態多少影響降低失業率政策,例如「不同意識型態下的兩岸關係與政策,將造成不同的經濟環境」、「馬英九亦即國民黨較為重視企業的角色」、「馬英九政府的抑制失業之政策工具較為多元細膩」。然而,兩黨之政策雖有名稱相異之處,其政策內容卻多有相同者,例如皆偏好用「較具彈性的特別預算」、「愛用補貼、借貸和公私合作模式來挽救失業」來編列經費。 本文對於未來相關領域之研究,期許能更針對馬英九往後執政上對於「失業問題」之各項政策之成效,能有更長足完整之分析與評議。


This paper examines Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou government’s various ttpes of policies to promote employment, curb unemployment programs, and compile two of the policy tools used by the president and with neighboring countries to take each other than the evaluation of the program, and then analyze its advantages and disadvantages of . The findings obtained in this paper as follows: the two employment promotion programs, Chen Shui-bian administration's policy seems to favor subsidies over the main character, while in the Ma Ying-jeou administration taking a greater variety of policy responses. Detail Analysis: Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou in reducing the unemployment rate policy, there is continuity of the Department, its policies, but also diversity. Of differences, as follows: the two parties and how much influence the ideology of political parties, reduce the unemployment rate policy, such as "different cross-strait relations under the ideology and policies, will result in different economic environment", "Ma Ying-jeou in which the KMT puts more emphasis on business role "," Ma Ying-jeou government's unemployment policy tools to curb the more diverse fine. " However, the two parties despite the name of the policy differences, and its policies have the same content but many are those who, for example, are preferred as "more flexible special budget", "love to use subsidies, loans and public-private partnership model to save the unemployed" to provision. This article related fields for the future of the research, hopes to further on researching Ma Ying-jeou on the next to "the problem of unemployment" in the effectiveness of policies, can have a more substantial analysis of the integrity of appraisals


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