  • 學位論文


Family backgrounds and Marraige Motivations of Vietnamese Brides in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡青龍


1990年代以來,許多東南亞女性藉由「婚姻移民」進入台灣社會,其中越南籍女性佔最多數,台灣社會以外籍配偶為研究對象的著作也越來越多,但多以台灣社會的觀點來探討,討論原生社會的研究屬於少數。本研究以嫁來台灣之越南女性為研究對象,旨在探討這些越南女性在原生社會傳統文化的影響下,嫁到台灣前的結婚動機,她們是為何選擇這段跨國婚姻,是主動尋求跨國婚姻?或是被父母親所安排的婚姻? 研究發現雖然傳統儒家觀念對越南家庭的影響仍深,但是家庭中重男輕女的想法已經沒有過去那麼重,新一代的越南女性對於男尊女卑的觀念與上一輩已經有所不同,現在越南女性對於婚姻的想法大多已有自我的主張,縱使選擇嫁來台灣是因為經濟因素,但她們也是經過許多自我的考量之後,才決定遠嫁海外,而非因為父母親觀念的影響。在本研究發現中,因為父母親安排而遠嫁海外的受訪者屬於少數,多半為主動選擇跨國婚姻者,而在這些主動選擇跨國婚姻的受訪者當中,除了經濟因素外,也有因自由戀愛而來,或是為了追求自我理想而來的越南女性,且人數不是單單一兩位。 本研究中,幾乎所有的個案都表示婚姻美滿,並且滿意現狀。所有主動選擇嫁來台灣的越南新娘,不論是自由戀愛而嫁來,或是為了經濟、為了家庭、家人而來,這些越南女性都是希望擁有更好的生活,在筆者所接觸的受訪者當中發現,她們的確實現了她們的希望。


Since the 1990, an increasing number of Southeast Asian women have entered Taiwan through international marriages. Among them, the Vietnamese is the biggest group. There are many studies on foreign spouses in Taiwan, but most of them take the Taiwan's point of view. Studies on their home countries are hard to find. This research focuses on the immigrant spouses from Vietnam, and look into their motives of marriages, and how they are influenced by Vietnam's traditional cultures. Why did they choose the interracial marriages? Did they voluntarily seek this type of relationship? Or this marriage was arranged by their parents? It was found that, even though the traditional ideas of a patriarchy society still influences the Vietnamese families, it's not as important as it is used to be. The young generation of Vietnamese women reacted differently towards patriarchy when compared to the last generation. Nowadays Vietnamese women have their own thoughts and control over marriages. Even if it's because of financial concerns that make them choose to marry abroad, most decisions are made under serious self-consideration, and not because of influences by their parents. This research found very few cases of getting married abroad under parent's arrangements. Most of them chose interracial marriages under their free-will. Other than financial considerations, some respondents were married because they fell in love, or because they wanted to pursue their dreams. The number of people from this group are far more than just a few. Almost all case studies show happy and successful marriage, and most Vietnamese brides who chose to come to Taiwan, regardless of love, financial concerns or families, in the end they all wish to achieve a better life. The author finds that in all interviewees that got contacted with, their hopes came true.


王宏仁,2001,〈社會階層化下的婚姻移民與國內勞動市場:以越南 新娘為例〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》,第41期,頁99-127。
柯瓊芳、張翰璧,2007,〈越南、印尼與台灣社會價值觀的比較研究〉, 《台灣東南亞學刊》,第4卷第1期,頁91-122。


