  • 學位論文


Understanding Mobile Learning Performance from the Perspective of Pedagogy Strategy

指導教授 : 吳雅鈴


隨著行動技術的發展,使得不受時空限制的行動學習(Mobile Learning)成為現代人不可或缺的學習方式之一。過去研究指出行動學習成效仍有很大進步空間,同時,情境學習方式能促進學習者的自主性動機而對學習投入更加積極。然而,鮮少研究針對行動情境學習來提升學習成效。因此,本研究目的是探討使用者對於行動情境學習需求與行為,以提升學習者的知識吸收,此為實務及學術上的重點課題。綜合上述,本研究將以情境學習理論為基礎,以情境學習為二階構面,包括主題專注、認知吸收、參與、社交結構四項子構面。此外,根據媒體豐富度理論與互動機制設計出不同的行動教材情境,以了解使用者的學習狀況。再者,結合了使用滿足理論(Use and Gratification Theory)與認知負荷理論(Cognitive Load)的觀點來了解認知吸收的過程中行動情境學習成效的影響因素。 本研究情境實驗採取準實驗法,利用資訊安全的主題作為教材內容之設計,並利用媒體豐富度理論將行動情境學習分為兩種教學法: 文字式教學法與遊戲式教學法,並由相同系級的大學部學生擔任受測人員,並於受測完畢後填寫問卷和作業,共計130份。本研究將針對受測者的問卷進行分析,結果顯示情境學習正向影響使用滿足,且使用滿足正向影響學習成效;情境學習負向影響認知負荷,且認知負荷負向影響學習成效。同時針對課後作業分析客觀成效,結果顯示使用滿足在行動情境學習有較大的影響;客觀成效中,遊戲式教學法在創造問題、理解問題、組織問題與綜合問題的能力培養有較好的成效。本研究期能提供行動學習發展策略之參考,以提升行動學習的學習成效。


With the development of mobile technology, mobile learning, which is not bound by time and space, has become one of the most essential learning methods for modern people. However, previous studies have suggested that improvements are still needed in mobile learning performance. One of the means to achieve this goal is situated learning, which enhances learners’ autonomous motivation and make them more enthusiastic in learning. Nonetheless, few studies have attempted to increase learning performance through situated learning. This study attempts to explore the development of a productive learning atmosphere in the context of mobile situated learning. In the research model, situated learning is proposed as a formative second-order construct driven by thematic focus, cognitive absorption, participation, and social structure. Moreover, the uses and gratifications theory and the cognitive load theory were adopted to identify the cognitive factors that influence the mobile learning performance. An experiment is conducted with the coursework of information security, and data collected from 130 university-level students having homogenous background provide strong support for the research model. In this study, indicated that the mobile learning situated learning influence gratification and thereby influence the learning performance. In the objective performance, the gamification pedagogy has better question skills, organization skills, analytic skills and synthesis skills. It is hoped that education service providers can benefit from the insights discovered from this study and implement more effective learning strategies in mobile education.


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