  • 學位論文


A study of Taiwan International Tourism strategy---「Doubling Tourist Arrivals Plan」:An Integrated Marketing Communications perspective

指導教授 : 黃振家


在全球旅遊市場的高度競爭下,各國需發展有效的行銷策略來創造具有獨特吸引力的觀光形象。觀光行銷需透過各種有效的傳播工具傳達明確一致的行銷訊息給消費者,創造強而有力的觀光品牌。整合行銷傳播的興起,即是能透過不同的媒體工具傳達完整一致的觀光品牌形象。觀光行銷更需整合各種傳播媒體管道,傳達一致且具說服力的觀光品牌訊息。 而整合行銷傳播的相關研究甚多,但多從私部門的角度研究其應用情形。而在台灣觀光研究部分,自觀光局於2000年提出「二十一世紀台灣發展觀光新戰略」以來,尚未有研究從整合行銷傳播策略的角度,分析台灣發展國際觀光行銷策略與執行現況。由於觀光行銷計畫必須是一個長期性的策略,行政組織需因應市場的變化隨時調整變革措施。因此分析現有觀光行銷策略可以檢討不足之處,進而提出更有效的建議。 從傳播、行銷和管理三大構面所組合的整合行銷傳播概念,是本文所探討的途徑。整合行銷傳播策略必須緊扣品牌定位及策略進行,因此就品牌概念出發,探討組織之品牌管理策略與評估方式,分析行銷策略及實際執行狀況。以整合行銷傳播的途徑,從行銷組織整合關係起始,再討論整體品牌行銷傳播目標、策略與執行戰術之一致性,為本研究問題。 本研究指出,回顧以往整合行銷傳播研究,尤其在組織層面,較忽略政府組織行政特點,僅探討傳播戰術之運用是不足的。應從整合行銷組織互動關係起始,以整體規劃進行整合行銷傳播策略,達成行銷傳播最大綜效。因此就政府部門之行政組織特性及觀光產業之特殊性,本研究認為由於目前台灣觀光品牌定位不明確之情況下,相關行銷組織未密切整合聯繫,加上分區分年招標行銷,行銷傳播訊息也難呈現一致的方向。最後建議應調整行銷推動機制,尤其需整合行銷組織資源,依據市場特性以「全區整合、分區執行」的方式傳達一致的傳播訊息。


In an increasing competitive global tourism market, a strong tourism strategy has a key role to confront marketing challenges. Tourism marketing communicates clear and “one voice” marketing messages to consumers by integrating useful media tools. Tourism marketing strategy is a long-term planning, so the marketing organization should improve marketing planning with the market circumstance. Nowadays, the concepts of IMC have become the mainstream of the marketing literatures. IMC combines and integrates different elements of the communications mix. IMC strategy must follow brand position and strategy. The research is based on three core concepts of IMC: communication, marketing and management. But in Taiwan, most of market researches focused on private departments or a single marketing campaign and event. From 2000 to now, Taiwan Tourism Bureau has announced five tourism policies to develop tourism industry. Most important of them is 「 Doubling Tourist Arrivals Plan」, it is continued executed. In order to find out the disadvantages of tourism marketing strategy, the research supposes how to build more beneficial marketing strategy in IMC approach. This research has pointed out that IMC approach should not only emphasize marketing communication planning but notice the administrative distinctions of governments. Because Taiwan tourism brand position isn’t evident, the relative marketing organizations don’t cooperate and share market resources either. Besides, the overseas markets have been separated into three main targets; marketing tactics are executed by different advertising companies every year. The marketing messages are integrated with difficulty. In order to reach multiple audiences with a synergistic effort, the first step might be to set up a marketing promotion committee instead of the government tourism department. Especially marketing strategy has to integrate marketing recourses and messages. And all marketing campaigns should communicate “one voice’ and “one look’ messages to target markets by different market attributes. This research suggests that the best way to improve Taiwan international tourism marketing is to adopt the IMC approach- to build a strong relationship with all marketing stakeholders and stand on “integrate all marketing strategy, then execute in target markets” field to capture information all about consumers.


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