

電子商務時代來臨,傳統的通路已無法應付美妝市場龐大的需求,加以研究者本身為美妝業者,期望能從本研究中的四個美妝官網,探討其可用性,再以美容師及一般使用者不同的角度,探討官網在使用上的問題,及共同的優缺點為何,最後針對困難和優缺點的成因,提出建議。 本研究利用任務測試、訪談,以及任務後訪談來探討四個美妝品牌官網的可用性問題、使用者遇到的困難,以及共同的優缺點。研究對象為12位專業美容師及18位一般使用者。研究結果: 一般使用者對於Dr.Wu的評價是最好的,雅詩蘭黛是最差的。專業美容師不論是在學習性、效率性、滿意度及錯誤率的評分上,都給予Dr.Wu極高的評價,其次是霓淨思和蘭蔻,雅詩蘭黛的評價最低。 專業美容師及一般使用者,他們遇到共同的困難為: Dr.Wu和霓淨思登入不易、雅詩蘭黛網站本身的不穩定、使用者不確定任務方向而影響任務進行。 國際品牌的蘭蔻、雅詩蘭黛共同的優點為有外國明星代言,提升整體質感,共同的缺點為字體太小、內容雜亂、跑馬燈影響使用。在地自創品牌的Dr.Wu、霓淨思共同的優點為介面一致、畫面乾淨易搜尋、有專業度,共同的缺點為註冊不易需驗證。 最後研究者針對美妝官網最佳可用性設計及未來相關領域研究提出建議,供美妝綱站設計者及未來研究者參考。


可用性 美妝 官方網站


With the arrival of e-commerce era, the traditional access has not been able to deal with the huge demand of cosmetic market any longer. As a cosmetic dealer, the researcher expecte to discuss the availability of four cosmetic official websites in the study, and then discuss problems about using official websites based on different points of view from cosmetologists and general users to discover their common merits and demerits. Finally, the researcher offers a proposal in view of causes for difficulties, merits and demerits. In virtue of task-based testing, interview and post-task interview, the study discuss the availability problem of four brand cosmetic websites, difficulties the users have faced and common merits and demerits. The research objects are 12 professional cosmetologists and 18 general users. According to research results, general users’ evaluation for Dr. Wu is the highest, and that for Estee Lauder is the lowest. In view of professional cosmetologists, they spoke highly of Dr.Wu on aspects of learnability, efficiency, satisfaction and error rate. Neogence and Lancome ranked only second to Dr.Wu, and Estee Lauder gained the lowest evaluation. For professional cosmetologists and general users, they faced acommon difficulty, that is websites of Dr.Wu and Neogence can not be accessed easily and the website of Estee Lauder itself is unstable. Users can not make sure the directions of tasks, and the execution of tasks is consequently influenced. Among international brands, Lancome and Estee Lauder share the merit of endorsement of foreign celebrities to improve the overall quality. Meanwhile, they have common merits such as too much typeface, disorder contents and flashy ads which might influence the users’ experience. As to the local brand Dr.Wu and Neogence, they boast consistent interfaces, clean and available pages and great professional degree. However, both of them could not be registered easily for the requirement of verification. Consequently, the researcher provides proposals for the optimum availability design of cosmetic websites and future researches of relevant fields to serve as a reference for designers and future researchers of cosmetic websites.


Availability makeups Official website


胡維萍、黃素慧(2008)。提昇美妝用品網路商店電子化服務品質之探討- 以約略集理論導入。美容科技學刊,6(1),305-346。
陳玫真、黃營杉(2009)。網站可用性對消費者行為意圖影響之研究。東吳經濟商學學報, 67,79-106。
楊棠堯、陳鼎琪(2010)。自動化電子商務網站。 數位教學暨資訊實務研討會,第五屆,998-1008。

