  • 學位論文


Epoxy Resin Containing Phosphoric or Hydroxyl Group Functionalized Gold Nano-Particles

指導教授 : 王文竹


檸檬酸為三質子酸,檸檬酸還原的金奈米粒子表面帶負電,利用單質子酸( Hexanoic acid )修飾金奈米粒子表面來觀察水溶液中奈米粒子的行為。接著用雙質子酸( Adipic acid ) 修飾金奈米粒子表面,來做鹼金族和鹼土族金屬陽離子的偵測,發現以鹼土族有較好的偵測效果。 利用2-aminoethanethiol硫醇分子來修飾金奈米子表面,由於短碳鏈分子的影響,使穩定水相的金奈米粒子( AuNPs-citrate )從球狀變成桿狀穩定水相或有機相的金奈米粒子( AT-AuNPs )。 研究Epoxy環氧樹酯依不同官能基修飾金奈米表面,其修飾金奈米粒子表面也是帶負電,藉由不同官能基修飾來探討奈米粒子的形狀及大小是否會有聚集的情況,根據這些參數,來確定製備E-AuNPs最佳條件,進而發展為後續薄膜的偵測。並用TEM,AFM顯微鏡觀察。 有機/無機奈米複合材料是目前熱門研究的主題,主要是利用有機高分子以及無機物質兩者之特性相乘而形成奈米複合材料(nanocomposites)。


金奈米粒子 偵測 環氧樹脂


Gold nanopatricles were prepared by citric acid reduction of HAuCl4 according to published procedures. Functionalized gold nanopatricle were prepared by capping hexanoic acid ( HA ) in observation water solution. The pareicle size of AuNPs was confirmed by scanning electron microscope, scanning probe microscope and transmissiom electron microscopy. Functionalized gold nanopatricle were prepared by capping adipic acid ( AA ) on to the surface of AuNPs. Sensing (IA) and (IIA) metal ion,(IIA) metal ion have better sensing the effect. Functionalized gold nanopatricle were prepared by capping 2-aminoethanethiol ( AT ) on to the surface of AuNPs, the nanopatricle shape from spherically turns rod-shaped. Functionalized gold nanopatricle were prepared by capping Epoxy ( E ) on to the surface of AuNPs, preparing the best optimum condition, Application in thin film detecting.


gold nanopatricle sensor epoxy


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