  • 學位論文


Engineering Insurance Plan for EPC Contractor’s Project Risk

指導教授 : 高棟梁


隨著專案工程規模漸趨龐大,工程項目與內容逐漸複雜,專案工程的風險日益漸高。參與工程成員越來越多,其分工與界面的關係也越來越複雜,專案工程也由傳統的業主自行發包與分包制度逐漸轉變為統包商制度,亦因此轉變而產生了諸多問題。為了有效的處理這些問題,業主主控保險應運而生,但隨著統包商制度的廣泛應用,統包商開始代業主安排類似業主主控保險的統包商專案工程保險。 本研究透過統包商的角色,自業主合約中的保險規範與要求之角度切入,談統包商該如何運用專案工程風險管理方法,進行辨識、分析、評估、管理與控制風險,進一步運用工程保險將統包商所面臨的風險移轉,以及探討統包商控制自留風險之方法。 本研究透過筆者所接觸過的案例,以上述理論模型進行實際之分析與檢討,印證工程保險的重要性隨著專案規模龐大而提升。然而,本研究發現相較於國外的保險環境,國內尚無成熟的綜合責任險保單,又國內保險公司因種種法令限制無法提供本國統包商充分的保險保障。本研究建議統包商留存專案執行資料,並於結案時彙整檢討保險計畫,以利其他專案的保險規劃。而學術界可就業界知識的累積,拓展工程方面之風險管理與保險相關研究,促使主管機關更加重視,並鼓勵台灣產險業支持本土的統包商放眼國際市場。


Graduate:Hui-Huei Liu Advisor Professor:Tong-Liang Kao ABSTRACT: As the scale of the project is becoming huge, the working items became more complicate. The risk of project is getting higher gradually. More and more involved in the project members, the division and interface are getting more complex. The issue of project risk is rising too. As the trend from the owner contract all the project working items by themselves to a turnkey project. In order to effectively deal with these issues, the Owner Controlled Insurance Policy (OCIP) came into the business. Because of the popularity of turnkey project, the turnkey contractor starts to arrange the similar policy for owner. The research is base on the role of the turnkey contractor and the requirements, specifications of the insurance for the contract. And through the research to review the turnkey contractor how to apply the project risk management method to identify, analyze, assess, and control the risk. Also, the further arrangement of risk transfer via the insurance, as well as to explore the turnkey contractor to control the risk retention. By case studies, through the theoretical model for analysis and review, confirms the importance of the insurance with the scale of the project upgrade. However, this study found that compared to the foreign insurance environment, there is no sufficient comprehensive liability insurance policy. The local insurer due to various legal restrictions can not provide sufficient insurance coverage for our turnkey contractors. The study suggests that the turnkey contractor shall retained project execution data, and review the insurance policy when the project closed in order to benefit the project insurance arrangement for the future. The academic community may collect the experiences from the industrial circles and expand the study of risk management and insurance application on construction project. Thus the competent authority can pay more attention and encourage the insurers in Taiwan to support the local turnkey contractors to look to the international market.


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