  • 學位論文


A Study of Using EEG to Measure Instant Messenger Communication with Emoticons and Stickers

指導教授 : 吳錦波




The development of instant messenger is transferred from the computer to smart phones because of the popularity of smart phones. Emoticons become more and more complex. The object of this study is to explore the difference between stickers and emoticons in the instant messenger. Young adults are the focus of our research. This study employs laboratory experiment. Subjects’ brain waves were recorded while using instant messenger. Their brain waves were compared and interpreted from the perspective of social presence. One-Way ANOVA is used to analyze the data. The experimental results show that there are significant differences in β waves between users receiving emoticons and stickers. Stickers provide more evidence than emoticons based on the implication of social presence. Subjects’ brain waves were increased when they received stickers. It means their attention is improved. The research also found that there are significant differences in β waves between male and female. Male subjects receive emoticon affect more than female. The results can be used as a reference for future emoticons and EEG-related research.


EEG Emoticons Stickers Social Presence


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