  • 學位論文


Correlation between dietary habits and airway allergy in children

指導教授 : 林以勤


現代醫學對食物與過敏的關聯性研究常僅見於特定易導致過敏的食物,對於傳統醫學所謂的食物屬性與呼吸道過敏之相關研究並不多見。本研究針對兒童進行飲食問卷調查,以瞭解呼吸道過敏兒與正常兒在食物攝取上之差異,是否與呼吸道過敏症狀間有所關聯。研究採橫斷式調查研究法,以新竹市某國小一至六年級學生為對象,採集束抽樣法於每年級隨機抽取2班並以中選班級之全班學生為抽樣對象,以結構式問卷分別在8月-9月及11月-12月對學童家長進行同意書及學童性別、年齡、學童身體活動量、過敏史、父母過敏史及食物攝取等資料的收集。兩次調查共抽取12班約720名學童,實際回收問共369份;本研究以其中填寫完整的問卷資料198份進行統計分析。   分析時將學童依其呼吸道過敏狀況分為對照組、過敏性鼻炎或氣喘組、過敏性鼻炎合併氣喘組進行各項比較。在年齡、性別、身高、體重、BMI、受試者活動量及運動量的分佈上三組無顯著的差異。有過敏性鼻炎的家族史比例,呼吸道過敏兒顯著高於對照組。過敏性鼻炎或氣喘病例組與兩者皆有組在平性蔬菜類的攝取比例高於對照組;而平性水果類的攝取比例則是兩者皆有組高於其它兩組;涼性水果及寒性蔬菜的攝取比例則在對照組高於其他兩組;寒性水果攝取比例則是過敏性鼻炎或氣喘組高於其他兩組。另以各屬性食物攝取總量比例比較則結果顯示,在寒性食物攝取比例上對照組高於其他兩組,且具顯著差異。另將食物分類後進行因素分析,共得到8個飲型態食,結果顯示過敏性鼻炎或氣喘病例組與兩者皆有組在第三類飲食(涼寒性茶飲類、溫平性淺綠葉菜類、溫平性水果類)型態上的因素分數具顯著差異。 本研究顯示對照組父母患有氣喘、過敏性鼻炎、皮膚過敏疾患的比例低於其他兩組。在平性蔬菜及水果的攝取比例上,患有呼吸道過敏兒比對照組來得高;而在寒性蔬菜的攝取比例上則是呼吸道過敏兒低於對照組。綜合各類食物比較顯示呼吸道過敏兒在寒性食物類攝取比例較對照組為低。呼吸道過敏兒童與非呼吸道過敏的對照組在傳統食物屬性分類中特定類別的食物選擇上似乎有所差異。


Modern research on the relation of dietary intake to allergy usually focuses on certain food containing allergens. There are few studies exploring if there is any relationship between food characteristics, based on traditional Chinese medical belief, and diseases of respiratory allergy. The current study was conducted to examine if there is any difference in food selection between children with and without respiratory allergic diseases, and whether there is relationship between food selection and symptoms of respiratory allergy. The cross-sectional study was conducted in an elementary school in Hsinchu City. A cluster random sampling scheme was employed to obtain a sample of two classes from each of the six grades, which resulted in a total sample of 720 students. The survey was conducted in half of the sampled students in August to September and in another half in November to December, resplectively, to control for the seasonal effect. Informed consent form and a structural questionnaire were provided to the parents or guardians of the children to obtain information on the childrens’ characteristics, level of physical activity, allergic history of the child and his/her parents, and dietary intake of the child. Overall there were 396 of the sampled students returning the questionnaire and the informed consent form. In the current analysis, a total of 198 students with complete questionnaire data was included. The students were first grouped into the controls, with asthma or allergic rhinitis, or with both asthma and allergic rhinitis. There were no significant differences in the mean age, sex distribution, height, weight, BMI, and the level of physical activity among the three groups. The proportion of children with family history of allergies was significantly higher in those with respiratory allergic problems than in the controls. Compared to the controls, children with respiratory allergic diseases had significantly higher intake in the category of neutral vegetable, and the intake of the category of neutral fruit was significantly higher in those with both asthma and allergic rhinitis, whereas the intake of the categories of cool fruit and cold vegetable was significantly higher in the controls, and the children with either asthma or allergic rhinitis had significantly higher intake of cold fruit. In terms of the proportion of each category, the controls were significantly higher in the intake of cold food. A result of 8 intake patterns were obtained by factor analysis, and it appeared that the scores of the 3rd factor, which was consisted of cold beverage, neutral fruit, and neutral light green vegetable, significantly differed among the groups. In conclusion, the results of this current study showed that dietary intake in food groups by traditional Chinese medical belief appeared to be different such that children with respiratory allergic diseases seemed to consume less cold foods than the controls.


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