  • 學位論文


A Study of the Service Quality about Online Oversea Shopping ─ A Case Study of Personal Surrogate Shopper

指導教授 : 張文華




The transregional international shopping behavior is growing up, plus the rise of e-commerce and online shopping market are getting mature in recent years, derived from another internet online shopping business model. With its emerging internet online shopping service, a firm footing in the online shopping market quickly. Surrogate shopping providers is providing consumers with useful information about overseas goods, while also providing consumers the convenience of overseas shopping. Consumers would be willing for the purpose of obtaining overseas goods, or just using its surrogate shopping services to avoid overseas shopping derivative cash flow and logistics cumbersome procedures. Surrogate shopping services is not only benefit consumers but also full of opportunities for surrogate shopping provider. A new innovation and development to the services of surrogate shopping proivders, and also a win-win opportunity to consumers and surrogate shopping providers.


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