  • 學位論文


A study of quality improvement by utilizing the six sigma methodology - A case study of LCD back light module

指導教授 : 王明展


近年來液晶顯示器(Liquid Crystal Display, LCD)產業的規模,隨著新應用的持續推出及大陸政府「家電下鄉」的政策推行下,市場的需求持續增加;其重要的關鍵零組件-背光模組,在新製程及新技術的發展下,對品質的要求越來越嚴謹。 本研究主要是六標準差的改善管理流程模式的概念,建構一個有系統的品質改善模式,並以背光模組廠為實例進行驗證。模式中將整合六標準差的方法論,主要目的在協助組織以更有效率的方式,找出並消除組織內的浪費,以突破生產的瓶頸與提升競爭力,其改善模式會依不同的不良原因加以分析後,再以跨功能部門及六標準差流程改善的方式,讓組織中各權責部門更有彈性與能力去處理各種不良的問題。 本篇論文所建構的改善模式是以6 Sigma方法論改善各種不良問題,是由上而下建立各層級之改善組織,本模式共建構三層改善品質之組織,分別為特種品質改善小組(Task Force Quality Improvement Team,TFQIT)、品質改善小組(Quality Improvement Team,QIT)及品管圈(Quality Control Circle,QCC)。這三層組織各別對應非常態性問題(重大異常)、常態性問題一(需要製程上的優化)及常態性問題二(對策執行力相關問題),透過不同等級的品質改善之組織,讓所有不良因子在任何時刻都能的被檢視與探討,找出問題的真因並提出有效的改善對策,以達到減少生產線及客戶端的不良率。 本研究結果發現,此改善模式可協助品質管理者降低品質不良之成本、提升績效、企業利潤與及客戶滿意度等多重目的,此改善模式並可以作為其他不同產業未來要推行時之參考。


The sales of LCD Display industrials have been rising in the past few years. The market demands even more flouring due to the People’s Republic of China has funded project aims to expand sales of household electric appliances in the country's vast rural areas. Thus, the key component of the LCD display, back light module. Therefore, it is very crucial the quality of the back light module is produced executive efficiency and control good quality within. This study is based on the Six Sigma methodology to build up quality improving models then to testify with the backlight module manufacturing as a case study. For the purpose of intergrading Six Sigma methodologies is to improve the production first pass yield and effectiveness in the problem solving. Moreover, all the different defect issues will be analyzed, discussed and solved by inter-departmental cooperation. The framework of this thesis is using six sigma methodology to solve all kinds of different quality issues and the improvement organization will be established from top to bottom in various levels. There three improving models that is TFQIT (Task Force Quality Improvement Team), QIT(Quality Improvement Team) and QCC (Quality Control Circle). These three organizations are differently correspond to abnormal issue (major exception), normal issue one (the optimization process needs) and normal issue two(strategy execution related issues). Through the different levels of quality improvement organizations, so that all the bad factors of being at any moment can view and explore, to find out the truth and to make recommendations for improvements for measures to achieve reductions in the production line and the defect rate of the client. From the results of the case study found this model can not only help the quality managers to cut down the total cost of the defect products but also increase the enterprise profit, performance and customer satisfaction with multipurposes. This improved model can be serve as the future to be implemented in different industries in Taiwan.


Liquid Crystal Display LCD back light module Six Sigma TFQIT


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