  • 學位論文


Study on Prevention and Control of Roof Squatting in Taipei City

指導教授 : 鄭光炎


建築物代表一個城市的文化特質,除了藝術美感、歷史特色、生活基本需求外,更反映著當地人民生活水準、文化之素養及政府施政效能的指標,臺北市最典型的負面建築文化,就以違章建築問題最為嚴重。 本研究首先探討屋頂違章建築之問題嚴重性及成因,依據臺北市建築管理處統計資料顯示,自發照以來,截至97年1月止,全市計核發55670件使用執照,每年使用執照核發數量自民國70年之2167件,逐年減少為96年之574件,此說明在歷經數十年之發展建設後,臺北市可建用地越來越少,興建超過數十年之建築物比比皆是,隨著時間之累積,歷經過許多自然災害,並經人為之任意變更及使用後漸趨老舊,建築物使用管理問題愈迫切需要,市民間因建築物使用權益之磨擦爭議日漸增多,此可從建管處公文件數自91年之17.9萬餘件漸增至96年之22.8萬餘件,印證得知。 現行市民法治觀念淡薄,民意代表關說盛行及行政部門法令未週延等因素,均是造成違建氾濫之主因。而違建最大的溫床,首推屋頂平台,據統計,全市查報有案之屋頂違建至少占違建總數的五分之一強,在地震多、颱風多、降雨量多之臺北市,屋頂違建因位處建築物之頂端首當其衝;經問卷調查及統計分析結果,此類違建咸認是影響市民居住環境公共安全、公共衛生及市容觀瞻最大之癥結所在。 對如何處理糾結數十年來累積產生之違建文化,對歷來之政府部門均屬非常棘手之問題。本研究在歸納分析結果,建議防治之道,政府除了落實新違建即報即拆外,舊有違建有必要橫向結合建築物相關管理單位,透過人文面、法令面及政策面等之角度及衡酌現實狀況,探討現行制度之缺失,尋求一套遏止及清除屋頂違建之防治機制,再予適當的災害與風險管理手段,來獲得有效的防範,俾還給臺北市安全、美觀及適合人居之環境,畢竟拆除違建只是一種消極的手段,積極面是要讓民眾認知沒有搭蓋違建的空間環境與機會。


Buildings represent cities cultural characteristics. Other then artistic & historical significance and meeting everyday needs, it especially reflects local peoples living standards and cultural norms as well as the effectiveness of government policies. The most typical negative architectural culture in City of Taipei is illegal building. This paper discusses the severity, and the root cause for roof squatting in Taipei. Based on the statistical data from “The Administration of Building Management of Taipei City”, as of January 2008 the City has issued a total of 55,670 permits since it started to issue permits. The number of permits is sued has decreased steadily from 2,167 permits in 1981 to 574 permits in 2007. This is a result of a decline in usable land after decades of construction development. Many buildings throughout the city have been around for decades; over the years, these buildings have suffered from the effects of natural disasters, and have seen owners make unapproved changes and modifications without consideration for structural impact. Therefore, there is a pressing need for building use management. This has led to a dramatic increase in the number of disputes over the owner’s right of building uses, which was indicated by the number of a public document increased from 179,000 in 2002 to 228,000 in 2007. Currently residents do not fully abide by the law. Too many lobbyists and inadequate regulations are some of the main factors that lead to illegal building. Rooftop platforms are among the most common of the illegal building. Statistic data shows at least 1/5 of total reported number of illegal building are rooftop platforms. Taipei is a city that experiences frequent earthquakes, typhoons, and heavy rainfalls. Illegal rooftop platforms are most at risk subject to damages and cause of injuries. Based on the result from a questionnaire survey and statistic analysis, this type of building is recognized as the major problem that affects the environment, public safety, public health, and the appearance of a city. How to deal with the issue of illegal building that has existed for decades has been a major challenge to the governmental agencies. This research concludes study recommendations to address the problem and prevent and control roof squatting. The government must be proactive and respond immediately by tearing down the new illegal buildings when they are reported. In addition, the government must relate the aged illegal building to the appropriate building management agencies, identify the gap of existing policies through assessment and evaluation of current condition from the perspective of culture, law, and regulations, as well as seek a proactive prevention and control approach to stop and remove roof squatting. Proper disaster and risk management tool must be given to get the most effective results. By taking these steps, the city of Taipei will be safer, more pleasant to the eye, and provide a better living environment. Removing illegal building is an after-the-fact approach; a proactive solution is to educate the public that illegal building will not be allowed.


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[4] Google earth。
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[23] 臺北市建築管理單行法規彙編,臺北市政府工務局建築管理處,民95。
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馮兆麟(2012)。建築物二次施工問題之研究 -以新北市為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2012.00366
