  • 學位論文


The Study in the Properties of A Thermal Pad filled with Aluminium Nitride and Carbon Nanotubes

指導教授 : 周文祥


隨著製程技術的演進,電子元件越來越無法有效的排除熱能,因此常常產生熱點,使電子元件因熱產生損壞,然而一般市售導熱片的導熱係數皆低於1 W/mK,因此論文探討如何有效提升導熱片的熱傳導性質,而提升的方法有採用不同的導熱粉體與表面官能化的處理、兩相粉體的配比進行探討。結果發現,使用純氮化鋁粉末與純奈米碳管所製備的導熱片,導熱值最高分別可達到1.192 W/mK(50 Vol. %)與1.344 W/mK(40 Vol. %),當進行表面官能化處理後所製備的導熱片,其導熱值分別提升約58 % (1.888 W/mK)與28 % (1.854 W/mK),另外採用兩相粉體配比時,當體積百分比50 %的情況下,純氮化鋁配上純奈米碳管所製備出來的導熱片,導熱值最高分別可達到1.613 W/mK,而純氮化鋁配上官能化後的碳管與官能化後的氮化鋁配上純奈米碳管,其導熱值皆可提升約43 %(2.306 W/mK) 與40% (2.252 W/mK),並且導熱片經由50次的冷熱衝擊後,導熱性質約下降6 %,因此可發現使用矽橡膠搭配奈米碳管與氮化鋁所製成的導熱片,都具有良好的耐熱性與熱穩定性,並保有良好的導熱性質。


熱傳導 導熱片 奈米碳管


With the evolution of process technology, electronic components can’t effectively remove the heat, so often have hot spots, then electronic components due to thermal damage, however, generally thermal pad of the thermal conductivity of are lower than 1 W/mK, therefore the paper discusses how to effectively enhance the thermal conductivity of thermal pad, and then enhance the method using different thermal conductivity of powder and surface functionalization on treatment, the ratio of the two-phase powder. The results that the nitrogen aluminum powder and the pure carbon nanotubes prepared thermal pad, the highest thermal conductivity can be achieved 1.192 W/mK (50 Vol.%) and 1.344 W/mK (40 Vol.%), when surface functionalization treatment of thermal pad, their thermal conductivity can be increased approximately 58% (1.888 W/mK) and 28% (1.854 W/mK), another using the ratio of the two-phase powder, when the volume fraction of 50 %, the nitrogen of aluminum and the pure carbon nanotubes mix to prepared by thermal pad, the highest thermal conductivity can reach to 1.613 W/mK, while the nitrogen of aluminum and functionalized carbon nanotubes mix to thermal pad and functionalized nitrogen of aluminum and the pure carbon nanotubes mix to thermal pad, thermal conductivity can be increased about 43% (2.306 W/mK) and 40% (2.252 W/mK) and thermal pad through 50 hot and cold shock, thermal conductivity decrease of approximately 6%.


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