  • 學位論文


Experimental Research of Geofoam for Rock-fall Protection

指導教授 : 林利國


台灣位處環太平洋地震帶,地勢陡峭且地質敏感;而氣候型態屬亞熱帶溫濕型氣候,雨季與颱風侵擾頻繁,敏感岩層一遇有豪大雨勢常引發土石災害而釀成巨大災變;其中,落石(rock-fall)常發生於山區陡峭岩坡處,由單一或群體的岩塊,自崖面上崩解分離,以自由落體、彈跳和滾動等方式高速到達坡腳;因其發生時速度快、瞬間動能與衝擊量極大,且通常無明顯徵兆,常造成運動路徑上的人、車、房舍或路面等人為建物極大之傷害,嚴重影響國家經濟與民生財產。 發泡級聚苯乙烯(Expandable Poly Styrene;簡稱為EPS),在歐美國家廣泛應用於工程中砂土回填之替代材料而稱為地工泡棉(Geofoam);此材料主要具有重量輕、吸收衝擊性、優良自立性等特性。本研究探討EPS材料在遭遇重物撞擊之材料行為,以落球試驗模擬EPS材料在落石防撞及其他具防撞緩衝需求工程之應用;瞭解各種K值(Kg/m3)之EPS在改變落球落距、尺寸及重量等變數下之破壞情形;由模擬試驗獲得不同變數下EPS試體所承受之撞擊力量以及試體沉陷量與破壞情形,並將試驗所得數據進行迴歸分析,探討衝擊力量與試體沉陷量之關係(參考圖1),以做為防撞設計之依據;期能藉此研究成果促進EPS材料於國內營建產業與防災工程之應用。


Taiwan is located at the circum-Pacific seismic belt, steep terrain and geological sensitive; the climate type is subtropical warm and humid climate, frequent intrusion with rainy season and typhoons, sensitive rock stratum causes a huge disaster of mudflows once every time when the heavy rain come; Among them, the falling rocks (rock-fall) are more commonly happen in the slope of rock stratum in steep mountain, by a single or group of rock, separated from the cliff face, collapse to free fall, bouncing and rolling, etc. to reach the slope foot with high-speed; because it takes place too quickly, and impact with instantly great amount of kinetic energy, and usually happens without obvious symptoms, often cause great damages on people on the jogging track, vehicles, buildings and pavements, seriously effect domestic economic and civilian property. Expandable Poly Styrene; as known as EPS, widely used in Europe and America for alternate material on sand backfill, worked as foam, also called Geofoam; this material has characteristics of light-weight, shock absorption resistance, great self-sustain. This study investigated the behaviors of EPS material after being impact by a heavy object, using the ball-drop test to simulate the other application requirements in fallen rocks impact proof engineer; understanding the K Value (Kg/m3) of EPS in damage conditions under variables of distance change of ball dropping, ball size, and ball weight; from the simulation test, the EPS specimens which bear the energy force of impact and the condition of destruction and amount of settlement under different variables, and using the data for regression analysis, discussing the relationship between impact force and amount of settlement of specimen as a basis for anti-collision designing, expect this study would promote the EPS material as a material for application on domestic construction industry and disaster-prevention engineering.


Geofoam EPS Absorption Resistance Rock-fall Ball-drop Test


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