  • 學位論文


A study on weathering resistance coating using organic/inorganic composites

指導教授 : 鄭大偉


本研究利用水溶性高分子聚乙烯醇 (PVA) 溶液與鋁酸鈉溶液進行反應,製成有機/無機複合塗料,聚乙烯醇之中的羥基 (-OH) 與鋁酸之鋁離子 (AlO4-) 產生縮合鍵結形成三維的網狀結構,第一部分探討不同 PVA/NaAlO2 莫爾比製成之複合塗料其力學與化學性質之差異,又以 PVA/NaAlO2 莫爾比為 30 時有最佳之力學性質。因此,後續實驗均採用PVA/NaAlO2 莫爾比為 30 進行實驗。 第二部份探討複合塗料於陳化時間改變下性質的變化。實驗結果發現,當陳化時間超過 2.5 小時,塗料本身就維持穩定狀態。爾後,對塗料本身進行齡期時間下力學強度之分析。結果顯示,當齡期時間對塗料本身力學與化學性質均無太大變化,由此可知,複合塗料於不同齡期天數下仍具有極高之穩定性。第三部份係將塗料進行塗佈於不同基材上進行人工風化試驗,探討塗料抗風化之可行性。實驗結果指出,複合塗料均能有效保護試體,不受外界環境之侵蝕,其中以乾濕試驗下最為明顯。最後,再將複合塗料添加氫氧化鋁粉體製成複合耐火塗料,試驗後發現,能有效的減緩火害的時間,並使背板最終溫度降低。


聚乙烯醇 塗料 複合材料 抗風化


In this research, organic/inorganic coating made by water soluble polymer (Polyvinyl alcohol, PVA) reacted with sodium aluminate solution. The hydroxyl (OH-) of polyvinyl alcohol dehydrated with aluminate (AlO4-) forming 3D-net structure. First, the influence of mechanical strength and chemincal characters of organic/inorganic coating within changing PVA/NaAlO2 molar ratio, the result show that PVA/NaAlO2 molar ratio is 30 had the highest mechanical strength. So, the next experiment experience was controlled by PVA/NaAlO2 molar ratio is 30. Second, the influence of organic/inorganic coating characters by different setting time. After setting time is 2.5 hours, the organic/inorganic coating will be stabilize. Later, the mechanical strength was analysis under the time. The results show that the mechanical and chemical properties of was not change significantly change unapparent under the time. Therefore, the composite coatings has a high stability. The third is the artificial weathering experiments to test the paint coating on the other substrates for weathering resistance. The results indicated that the composite coatings can protect the specimens effectively under the dry and wet tests. Finally, then add the auminium hydroxide powders in the paint to make a fire resistant paint. It can be found that the final temperature behind the substrate was lower then the no coating by the test.


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