  • 學位論文


Environmental Cleanness Performance Evaluation to Research of Public Toilets - Take Taipei City as An Example

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


由於公共廁所是人類社會生活之一重要場所,公廁的整潔影響民眾的生活品質甚巨,也和一個城市給人的印象息息相關。臺北市政府近年來雖然極力改善公廁的整潔且推動多項改善方法,但許多公共廁所仍為人所詬病。本研究的主要目的在於找出影響公廁環境整潔之因子(特別是宗教、加油站與市場類),並提出一套績效評估機制。 首先藉由國內外文獻整理及研究者實際參與工作經驗,建立二大評估層面(環境清潔維護、生態及人性化需求)、八個評估標的(清潔方法、維護作業、管理制度、使用者行為、整體空間規劃、機能性、舒適性、節能及人性化設施)及十六個評估準則,並透過七位專家決策群體之問卷方式,針對規劃方向及設計因素以多評準決策分析(MCDM)中常用之分析階層程序法(AHP)建立各評估因子的權重及配分,以建立出一套包含層面較周全之新的公廁評分表。 本研究最後以此新評分表針對臺北市較差之列管公廁宗教、加油站與市場類共計277座進行實際評分,經評分結果顯示,新評分表分數除了遠低於環保局舊評分表之外,新表檢查由於評估項目較廣泛多元,並且給分較嚴謹,其結果較能反映一般實際使用者的觀感,並可比較公廁間較細微之差異性。


Public toilet has become one of the most important symbols of a modern city, hence, the environment of public toilet as a whole not only has a huge effect on citizen’s living quality, but also relates closely to the impression that the city gives to people. Though Taipei City Government has been in great effort to improve the environment of public toilet and introduce many refining methods recently, the result is not significant. Thus the main goal of this research is to find out factors that influence the neatness of public toilet (especially in religious places, gas stations, and markets) and to propose a refining formula, as well as an achievement evaluation measure. This research firstly finds out the possible factors which can influence public toilet environment in religious places (i.e. temples), gas stations, and markets by literature review, both domestic and foreign ones. Through collecting methods of managing public toilets from developed countries, the experts’ questionnaire was designed and mailed to 7 experts to determine the contents and factors of the new evaluation mechanism. The results then were analyzed by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to obtain the weightings of different factors for evaluating the cleanness of public toilets. This research finally builds a new evaluation form via the above research method and applies the form to evaluate 277 listed public toilets in religious places, gas stations and markets in Taipei. The result of the evaluation shows that the scores on the new form are far lower than the ones got on DEP’s old form. In addition, due to the broad coverage and careful scoring of each the new evaluation form, the results not just can better reflect public users’ impressions of public toilets, but also can compare the subtle differences among public toilets.


21. 臺北市政府環境保護局,公廁實錄,20065。
26. 臺北市政府環境保護局,公廁年計畫,2001。
27. 臺北市政府環境保護局,公廁分級計畫,2002。
28. 臺北市政府環境保護局,公廁評鑑計畫,2004。
29. 臺北市政府環境保護局,公共廁所改善計畫,2006。


黃峰昶(2008)。不強迫加油對環境周界VOCs影響 之研究-以台北市加油站為例-〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0006-0408200801264800
