  • 學位論文


The Study of Geofoam Block Homogeous Property and Manufacturing Quality Management

指導教授 : 林利國


發泡級聚苯乙烯(Expandable Poly-Styrene,簡稱為EPS)具有重量輕、緩衝性優、耐水性佳、自立性良好、隔熱性優良及施工簡易迅速等特性;歐美國家常用做為土木工程中砂土回填之替代材料,故多稱其為地工泡棉(Geofoam)。 本研究主要探討EPS輕質填土工法取代砂土回填及土木防災工程之應用性,針對日本和台灣所生產之EPS塊體均勻性做實際測試與檢驗,以探討其品質差異性;由於日本在EPS回填技術上已有相當經驗,因此本研究乃以日本規範做為比較依據,其材料來源係由日本積水化成品工業株式會社提供D-20之EPS試體運送至台灣,並與台灣廠商製造之EPS塊體進行均勻性測試比較;測試過程係先將整塊EPS試體量測重量及體積,之後分割成等份的立方體,並將分割後的立方體逐一量測其重量及體積,以計算個別之單位重。 由試驗結果得知,日本塊體均勻性合格率高達99.8%,而台灣合格率只有48.4%,顯示台灣EPS材料之均勻性有待加強,本研究並據此研析出日本與台灣在EPS的製程品管差異性;此外,研究所量測之結果並提供給製造廠商,以促進EPS材料製造品質之提昇。


Foam Polystyrene (Expandable Poly-Styrene referred to as EPS), this material has property of light weight, excellent cushioning, water resistance, great self-reliance, excellent insulation and easy and quick for construction features. In European and American countries, it has been used to backfill as an alternative civil engineering materials, it is also called Geofoam. This study focused on EPS lightweight fill method replacing sand backfill construction method and application on civil engineering disaster prevention, compare the difference of uniformity between Japanese and Taiwanese production of EPS block by actual testing and inspection, in order to discuss the differences of their quality; the Japanese in the EPS backfill technology has considerable experience, therefore this study is based on Japanese standards as a basis of comparison, the sources of material provided by the JapanSekisuiChemical Co., Ltd. to provide water-based D-20 of the EPS specimens sent to Taiwan, and execute the uniformity test comparison with Taiwanese manufacture EPS blocks, the progress of the test is first to measure the weight and volume of EPS blocks specimens, then divided into equal portions of the cube, the cube will be divided one by one measurement of its weight and volume to calculate the individual unit weight. The test results shows that the Japanese block uniformity pass rate is 99.8%, while Taiwan is only 48.4% pass rate, indicating the uniformity of Taiwan EPS material needs to be strengthened, and then explore the precipitation differences in quality controlbetween Japan and Taiwan; hoping by this researchto enhance the quality of EPS materials, as well as in the domestic construction industry and the application of disaster prevention projects.


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