  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Interleaved Boost Converter for Energy Storage Charging Stations

指導教授 : 楊銘基


本論文提出一儲能式充電系統。一般充電器輸入電源皆為市電AC100V~220V,其元件多、電路易受干擾,若同時多部系統提供大電流充電時,電源端電流極大,恐有用電安全的疑慮。此外,現有停車場皆無電動車充電裝置,停車場尚無大容量輸配電系統等。為解決電動車於停車場充電之用電容量問題,本文提出一電池對電池充電系統,並達到系統互相隔離。本系統架構以直流-直流轉換器為主,元件少、控制簡單不易受干擾,以數位化控制定電流(Constant Current, CC)/定電壓(Constant Voltage, CV)混合模式充電,並依據電池之最大充電電流進行充電程序與防止電源端電池放電過深。本系統採用交錯式升壓轉換器架構,除了有效降低輸出電流漣波率外,亦提升功率級電路效率。再者,本充電系統可根據輸出不同負載,藉由智慧型控制方式,切換不同相數的功率級電路,來提升系統整體效率。本文採用Microchip公司專為切換式電源轉換器使用所設計生產之dsPIC30F2020數位訊號微控制器(Microcontroller),做為系統實現控制法則與相移脈波寬度調變(PWM)控制的微控制器晶片。最後經系統實驗結果證明,藉由微控制器控制之充電器,除可電池對電池進行定電流/定電壓切換充電程序與保護輸入電池外,亦能提升輕載時之效率。


This thesis designs and implements a charging system for battery to battery. In general, charging system sources are utility grid AC100V~220V, if the requirements of multiple charging systems provide high current charging, the source will have safety concerns with high current output. The existing parking lot does not have charging system, power transmission and distribution system. To solve these problems, this thesis designs a charging system that can charge from batteries to batteries in which the sources are isolated from each other. The system charging mode: ConstantCurrent mode or ConstantVoltage mode is controlled by digital signal. The maximum charging current is decided by the maximum of the source battery allowed current and be charged battery allowed current. In order to inhibit ripple, and enhance efficiency and battery life, this charging system utilizes interleaved architecture in the boost converter. This charging system utilized digital control technique which can enhance the system efficiency, based on Microchip dsPIC30F2020, which is specially designed for switching power converters. From the experimental results, the implemented charging station by the micro-controller can charge batteries to batteries, achieve CC、CV charging, and increase system efficiency.


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