  • 學位論文


Heart Rate Monitoring Systems in Groups Used in Reliability and Validity Assessment of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Analysis

指導教授 : 李仁貴


隨著科技的快速演進,經濟的成長,國人的生活形態逐漸由以往的立式生活型態轉變為坐式生活型態。根據資料顯示我國學生從事規律運動的比率,隨著學歷的增加反而有下降的趨勢,因此在活動量長期不足的情況下,青少年運動習慣無法盡早確立,間接導致心血管相關慢性疾病的年齡層有下降之趨勢。探討其原因發現,在環境、教育改革等影響下,學生在課堂的運動機會和時間與以往比較起來明顯減少的許多,因此如何在有限的時間內,建置一套系統,讓老師或教練等使用者,能輕易掌握多人團體的運動狀況、強度與時間,並且能量測方便、活動自由,以達促進運動效率,提高運動動機甚至降低可能的運動風險,便是本研究的主要動機與目的。 本論文提出以可穿戴式之胸帶紡織品,配合心率偵測裝置,以團體量測的概念,將所有心率資訊傳送至管理者終端,做即時顯示以及場域投影,並可做各項數據之記錄與運動過程中狀況評估,提供老師或教練一套課程輔助系統。 最後針對已建置完成之場域,利用此系統針對規律運動訓練之族群和一般無規律運動之族群,進行五分鐘固定強度之運動測驗,並分析其運動過程中心率相關之指標。實驗結果發現有運動習慣者在休息心跳率(67.8±6.1bpm)、運動心跳率(138.8±9.2bpm)和整體平均心跳率(131.5±8.2bpm)上皆明顯低於無運動習慣者的休息心跳率(80.6±2.4bpm)、運動心跳率(179.1±6.7bpm)和整體平均心跳率(160.1±7.8bpm),而非最大運動後第一分鐘心跳恢復率(33.8±5.0%)和第二分鐘恢復率(43.9±5.1%)則明顯高於無運動習慣者(19.0±2.5%)和(30.4±2.7%),而上述指標皆與教育部登階體能指數呈現高度相關,並以第一分鐘之心跳恢復百分比呈現最高正相關(r=0.948, p<.05),因此本系統確實能達到團體有效之量測,和心肺適能差異之評估與比較。


With the evolution of technology and growth of economy, people’s living style gradually changed from Active-lifestyle into Sedentary-lifestyle. According to statistics, the degree of student engage in regular exercise has been declined with the increasing of education status. Under the long-time lack of exercise, teenagers without discipline exercising habit indirectly lead the age of chronic cardiovascular disease falling down. The reason is that time or opportunities for student to exercise significantly decrease after education reform. Therefore, our research motivation and goal is to establish a system which let the users more quickly well control group’s exercising time, situation, and intensity at limited period. Also, system should be easily use and maintain the subjects act freely. By doing so to promote exercise efficiency, raise the motive, even reduce the risk. Our researches proposed an assist system for teachers and coaches. Based on group measurement concept, using wearable chest strap textiles accompany with heart rate monitoring device, coaches can immediately receive all heart rate information and field projection synchronously. System will record the data and assess the condition of exercise automatically. In the experiments we separate subjects into "sport participant" and "sedentary group" two groups. Subjects wearing chest strap were instructed to take five minutes constant intensity exercise test. The result show that "sport participant" group has lower ratio at heart rate at rest (67.8±6.1bpm vs. 80.6±2.4bpm), heart rate during exercise (138.8±9.2bpm vs. 179.1±6.7bpm), tolerance of mean heart rate (131.5±8.2bpm vs. 160.1±7.8bpm), and higher ratio at first minute of heart rate recovery (33.8±5.0% vs. 19.0±2.5%), second minute of heart rate recovery (43.9±5.1% vs. 30.4±2.7%). Moreover, all these indexes have high correlation with fitness index by Minister of Education step test, and the percentage of heart rate recovery in first minute shows a highest positive correlation. Therefore, our wearable heart rate detection system is indeed an effectively group's heart rate measure method, to achieve the purpose of cardiorespiratory fitness assessment and comparison.


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