  • 學位論文


A Study in Street’s Art Effects upon the Quality Living of City Environmental

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


街道是城市發展中重要的項目之一,它與市民生活、城市風格、風俗文化及社會發展息息相關;工業革命後,城市快速發展,街道發展逐漸以運輸機能為主要取向,限制了街道上多元活動及風格的產生,使市民對所居城市產生疏離感。 近幾年來歐美先進各國開始體認到街道景觀化、藝術化及人本化,對提升城市形象及改善市民生活環境品質的重要性;而我國亦極力形塑城鄉特色以及推動文化創意產業,自1992年頒布「文化藝術獎助條例」後,公共藝術有了新的詮釋與發展,惟目前台灣公共藝術多以「點」與「雕塑」方式呈現,創造都市特色應思考以街道藝術形式來展現,藉以提升與創造街道應有的層次,將藝術融入生活之中。 本研究以文獻探討方式探討公共藝術、街道、生活品質等議題之對應關係及相互影響,透過國內外城市成功案例分析,歸結街道藝術對於城市優質生活的影響共14點,供未來以街道藝術發展城市美學、提升居民優質的生活環境及增加市民認同感之參考。


Streets, roads, and passages are one of the most important elements in city development. It is highly relevant to citizen’s lives, city characteristics, culture and tradition, and social development. Cities’ growth have been on a fast track since the Industrial Revolution. The main function of streets gradually transformed into transportation. Restraining the diversity of street affairs and styles. Alienating citizens from the city of their habitation. Streetscape, art, and humanism have been acknowledged by developed countries as a significant role in enhancing city image and quality of living. Taiwan has also been characterizing local culture, developing Cultural and Creative Industry. After the Statute for Encouraging the Development of Culture and the Arts enacted in 1992, new development and definition for public art was born. In order to improve the city streets functionally and artistically, while most public arts in Taiwan still appear to be at individual spots or sculptures, “Street Art” should be taken into consideration as a form to present public art when creating urban characters. This research explores the relative concerns and influences amongst public art, streets and the quality of living, through the study of successful cases. Generalized fourteen principles of how Street Art can influence living quality in a city. Not only bringing good quality of living to citizens, but setting up city image, and achieving citizen recognition.


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