  • 學位論文


Innovation Design Strategy of 3C Product For Woman market

指導教授 : 陳文印


產品設計策略規劃或選用之適當與否,對於設計師在執行創新構想的過程與產品發展之影響極為重要。有鑑於近幾年來,女性意識抬頭,就業及經濟的獨立、自有收入提高,促使消費力隨之增長,女性已掌握70%以上購買力,無論從汽車到金融服務、從購屋到3C產品,對購買高消費產品的影響力與日俱增。因此,本研究將針對女性使用之3C產品創新設計策略作一探討,以供設計師運用於專為女性消費者設計的3C產品發展上。 本研究主要目的為透過對女性消費者在購買3C產品之消費行為與對產品屬性喜好的研究探討,建立一創新設計策略,具體之研究目的為: 1. 探討女性消費者行為之特徵。 2. 探討女性消費者對產品屬性,如造形、色彩、質感的喜好。 3. 依據上述分析結果,提出3C產品在針對女性市場的最佳設計策略與建議。 本研究採質性方式進行,藉次級資料研究、專家深度訪談方法蒐集女性3C產品個案,分別探討女性消費者對3C產品三類別(通訊產品、資訊產品、消費性電子產品)之屬性的喜好,並分析擬出各項設計策略。 最後本研究所得共計八項設計策為:個性化、感性、愉悅性、輕便性、安全性、簡單化、精品化與方便性,同時依據此八項設計策略要項,分別提出執行之合適方式,以提供設計師作為發展女性3C產品之應用。


Selecting or planning the right design strategies is important for new products in design process effects designer’s ideas and products development . According to the report , recently years, woman has varied, for example , they become more know how to do anything、what they want and wish independent economy source. Then, they become rich and like to consumer . As you know , this group has been controlled the 70 percent of the consuming power from transport to finance. In this study, the innovation and design strategies mainly research behavior and favor though the consume process . And then, the result will help to build new product design strategic for the female consumers. Objectives of this study are: 1. Discuss the behavior features of the female consumer 2. Discuss the favor color、form and texture of the female consumer 3. According to the analysis results to proposal the best design strategies and suggestsfor woman in the 3C product marketing. Qualitative approach is adopted in this research. Through secondary information analyses, and in-depth interviews to collect the cases of the female products. Discuss the favor attribute of 3C product (computer, communication, consumer electronics)for female consumer, to draw the design strategies. As a result, eight design strategies are drawn : individualization, sensibility, pleasure, portability, safety, simplification, elegance and accessory.Resting on the essentials of eight design strategies, various suitable proposals were put forward for executer, to put 3C product developed of woman as a basis for designers.


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