  • 學位論文


A Study on the Current Situation and Development of Community Senior and Vocational High Schools in Taipei City with the Principal’s Perspective

指導教授 : 劉曉芬


本研究旨在以校長的觀點來探討臺北市推動高中職社區化的發展情形,以提供教育行政機關推動十二年國教之參考。其具體目的如下:一、探究臺北市高中職校長對「高中職社區化」政策實施的回應意見;二、歸納分析臺北市高中職校長對推動「高中職社區化」政策發展之相關建議;三、綜合研究結果,提供建議供教育主管機關作為高中職社區化推動之參考。 本研究首先進行文獻探討,擬定本研究之訪談題綱,復經5位學者專家進行修訂,以維持效度。再由研究者針對北、東、南適性學習社區,分別就普通教育、技職教育、資優教育、特殊教育等系統共抽取10位校長作為本研究之受訪對象,並依訪談大綱進行深度訪談。最後進行資料分析,並在以下四方面獲得結論: 一、校長對高中職社區化工作主軸的推動瞭解方面。 二、校長對高中職社區化政策的參與情況方面。 三、校長推動高中職社區化政策的遭遇問題方面。 四、校長對高中職社區化的建議。 依據以上結論,本研究分別對教育主管機關提出六項建議;對臺北市高中職學校提出七項建議。並提出三點後續研究者之研究方向。


The main purpose of this research was to explore the present development of Community Senior and Vocational High Schools in Taipei city with the principals’ perspective and provided suggestions for the educational administration to actualize 12-year education system. The concrete objectives were as follows: first, to inquire the respondent opinions of the senior high school principals in Taipei into the policy for Community Senior and Vocational High Schools. Second, to induce and analyze the related suggestions of the policy development of Community Senior and Vocational High Schools of the senior high school principals in Taipei. Third, to sum up the results of the research and provide the suggestion for the educational administration to impel the policy of Community Senior and Vocational High Schools. At first, the research drew up the interview structure through discussing the literature review, and revised by 5 scholar experts to maintain the validity. Then, in the light of the adaptive physical learning community, the researcher extracted ten principals as the research subjects from the systems of the general education, technical and vocational education, gifted education and special education to carry out the depth interview. Four of these findings were worth summarizing after the data analysis: 1. Principals’ understanding aspects of impelling the main axle of Community Senior and Vocational High Schools. 2. Principals’ participation aspects of the policy of Community Senior and Vocational High Schools. 3. Principals encountered difficulties in impelling Community Senior and Vocational High Schools. 4. Principals’ suggestions of Community Senior and Vocational High Schools. To conclude, this research addressed six proposals to the educational administration and seven proposals to the senior high school in Taipei. The results of the present study suggested three dimensions that might profitably be addressed by future researchers in the area.




