  • 學位論文


A Study of the Intermediary Influencing Factors of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of the Military Instructors at Senior High School in Taipei

指導教授 : 張仁家


本研究旨在瞭解臺北市高級中等學校軍訓教官組織公民行為之表現,以及個人背景變項經組織公平、社會交換關係、個人與環境適配等中介因素作用之下,對軍訓教官組織公民影響情形。本研究採問卷調查法,研究工具為「臺北市高級中等學校軍訓教官組織公民行為影響因素調查問卷」,並以臺北市48所高級中等學校軍訓教官為研究對象,共計發271份問卷,回收255份問卷,其中18份無效問卷,有效問卷237份,回收率為87.45%。統計方法採項目分析、因素分析、信度分析、次數分配、平均數、標準差、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)及迴歸分析。資料經處理分析後,獲得以下結論: 一、臺北市高級中等學校軍訓教官組織公民行為整體表現情形良好,並以「預先知會行為」最佳。 二、軍訓教官個人背景變項中,除「擔任主管職務」者之組織公民行為顯著高於非主管職務者外,其餘背景變項間之組織公民行為並無顯著差異。 三、組織公平、社會交換關係、組織信任、組織承諾、個人與環境適配對組織公民行為有顯著正向影響。 四、影響臺北市高級中等學校軍訓教官組織公民行為主要中介變項是組織承諾。 五、影響臺北市高級中等學校女性軍訓教官組織公民行為主要中介變項是組織公平。 六、擔任主管職務者在組織公平、組織信任、組織承諾及個人與環境適配等中介因素作用之下,皆會對組織公民行為產生顯著正向影響,惟在中介因素作用下其影響性反而降低。 七、影響臺北市公立高中軍訓教官組織公民行為主要中介變項是組織承諾。


The purposes of this study were to understand the organizational citizenship behaviors on the military instructors of the senior secondary schools in Taipei City, as well as the personal background variables on organizational justice, social exchange relationships between individuals and the environment had an affect on organizational citizenship behaviors of military instructors. In this study, questionnaires, “senior secondary schools in Taipei military instructors’ factors affecting organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire,” were used. Military training instructors in 48 senior secondary schools in Taipei City participated, for a total of 271 questionnaires were issued, 255 questionnaires came back, of which 18 were invalid, 237 were valid, and the recovery percentage was 87.45. Mining project analysis of statistical methods, factor analysis, reliability analysis, frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, a single sample t test, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA and regression analysis. Analysis of the data processed, access to the following conclusions: 1.The organizational citizenship behaviors of the military instructors achieved the overall high level of performance at senior high chool in Taipei, especially in "acts on advance notice " area. 2.Military training instructors in the personal background variables, with the exception of "executive functions" of organizational citizenship behavior were significantly higher than that of other positions, the other background variables between organizational citizenship behavior had no significant differences. 3.Significant positive effects on areas of organizational justice, social exchange relationships, organizational trust, organizational commitment, personal and environmental adaptation of organizational citizenship behaviors. 4.Organizational commitment is the main intermediary impact to organizational citizenship behaviors of the military instructors at senior high school in Taipei. 5.Organizational justice is the main intermediary impact to organizational citizenship behaviors of the female military instructors at senior high school in Taipei. 6.Executive positions in organizations, organizational justice ,organizational trust, organizational commitment and personal and environmental adaptation factors and other intermediary role , and the organizational citizenship behavior had a significant positive impact, but the intermediary factors on the effects of it is lower. 7.Organizational commitment is the main intermediary impact to organizational citizenship behaviors of the military instructors at public senior high school in Taipei.


林鉦棽、蕭淑月、何慧清(2005)。社會交換理論觀點下組織支持、組織知識分享行為與組織公民行為相關因素之研究:以信任與關係為分析切入點。人力資源管理學報 2005,5(1),77-110。
