  • 學位論文


2-port TRL Calibration Technique for Measuring Reciprocal and Symmetrical 4-port Networks

指導教授 : 李士修


網路分析儀(VNA)主要的功能之ㄧ是用來量測高頻元件的S參數,而其校正技術是影響準確度的關鍵。傳統上使用的SOLT校正技術,可以修正網路分析儀內部的誤差,但實際量測時,網路分析儀外部的轉接器及連接待測物的傳輸線,會是量測誤差的主要來源;於是有學者提出雙埠元件的TRL校正技術,該技術可以有效地修正轉接器及傳輸線引進的誤差。對於多埠元件,現有的4埠VNA配合其多埠的TRL校正技術,可以精確地量測4埠元件,但由於該儀器價格昂貴,於是許多學者仍然使用2埠VNA,依照傳統的方式將未量測端埠予以阻抗匹配,再量測多埠元件,但這種方法無法達到精密量測的目的。 本論文研究目的為使用2埠VNA的TRL校正技術量測4埠對稱且互易元件。傳統的方法量測4埠元件有兩個問題,其一為量測埠的傳輸線及轉接器效應,其二為非量測埠的負載無法達到理想匹配。本論文將針對上述兩個缺點提出改善方法,並且進行理論推導,最後利用分支線耦合器及耦合線耦合器2個實例,比較本論文所提出之方法與4埠VNA加上多埠TRL校正後量測的結果,在兩個實作案例中,可明顯的觀察出本論文所提出的方法與4埠網路分析儀所量測之結果極為相似,故可證明本論文所提出的原理及理論推導是正確的,並可應用於雙埠VNA進行多埠元件的精密測量。


網路分析儀 校正 4埠元件 TRL


Measuring the S-parameter of high frequency devices is a major function vector of the network analyzer (VNA), and the measurement accuracy depends on the calibration technique. Usually SOLT calibration must be performed to remove the effect of the internal errors inside the VNA. In the actual measurement, the result of measurement errors usually comes from connectors and cables that connect the device to the analyzer. Thus, in 1979, researcher proposed TRL calibration technique, which was able to effectively remove the effect of the connectors and the cables. We can use VNA and 4-port TRL technique to measuring 4-port devices. However, to measure 4port devices was required a substantial amount of money, a lot of researchers still use a 2-port VNA to measure 2 ports at a time with the remaining ports terminated by 50-Ω loads. However, this will lead to errors caused by the non-ideal characteristics of real 50-Ω load. In this theory , measuring symmetrical Reciprocal 4-port devices by 2-port TRL calibration. There are two problems with the traditional method. First, a coaxial-to-microstrip adapter is required to be attached to the PCB. Second, the non-ideal characteristics of real 50-Ω load. In this paper, we derived the formulation of reciprocal symmetrical 4-port devices. This is typical of couplers by branch line and coupled line.


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