  • 學位論文


The Study on How to Set Construction Priority for the Common Duct Network in Taiwan’s Urban Area

指導教授 : 王隆昌 教授


隨著台灣地區都市人口的成長與土地使用的密集頻繁,管線單位必須不斷重複地挖掘馬路以進行管線鋪設或維護來滿足需求,不但因此付出了龐大的社會成本更造成許多民怨,長久以來,一直是政府亟欲解決的難題。反觀先進國家早在百年前,即利用「共同管道」之對策解決此棘手問題,是以,「共同管道」為台灣邁向已開發國家勢在必行的重要基礎建設。民國89年6月「共同管道法」公佈實施,更奠定我國共同管道的法制化與未來建設之基石。 「共同管道」除能有效的改善交通、免挖馬路外,尚有將地面上下混亂的管線集約化管理及防減災等效益。然而目前台灣地區並無一合適之都市共同管道路網規劃模式可供參考遵循,但路網規劃的適當與否卻事關重大,也將衍生出投入經費大小、分年分期實施計畫之可行性、興建效益之合理性、是否真正滿足未來需求等後續問題。 鑑此,本研究將以宏觀之觀點,蒐集並參考國內外相關文獻,分析過去台灣地區都市共同管道路網規劃之實際案例,再配合專家訪談、問卷調查等方式,針對共同管道路網規劃之過程進行深入研究與探討;並應用多準則決策分析之觀念,整合戴爾菲層級分析法、理想解趨近法與敏感度分析法等系統方法,建立一「台灣地區都市共同管道路網規劃決策模式」。 本研究建立之決策模式,將路網分為強制性與選擇性路網,優先考量法規與政策等層面決定強制性路網,並利用MCDM等系統方法決定選擇性路網,最後以實際案例配合實務現況進行模擬分析產生層級架構與權重為:興建與營運維護成本(0.167)、管線需求(0.223)、管線挖掘頻率(0.339)、道路服務水準(0.271),再利用理想解趨近法排序提供決策者研擬共同管道分年分期施作之參考。本路網決策模式期能協助規劃單位建立適合之共同管道路網以滿足都市維生系統的需求,達到最佳的經濟效益,創造生活品質優質化之防災都市,進而提升台灣的整體競爭力。


With the growth of population and the frequent use of land in Taiwan’s urban areas, the authorities concerned about keeping repairing and constructing underground wires to meet the needs for urban development. However, the whole society not only pays for this kind of repeated wire-constructions, but also feels annoyed about this tough affairs it. As a result, it has become one of the most concerns of the government for a long time in Taiwan. As for other developed countries, they have taken advantage of the Common Duct to solve the problem many hundred years ago for a century. That is to say, Common Duct is the essential infrastructure which paves the way for Taiwan’s becoming a developed country for Taiwan. With the enactment of Common Duct Act in June 2000, the legalization of Common Duct and establishes the cornerstone for future constructions. Besides improving traffic condition and sparing too many road constructions, Common Duct can integrate all kinds of wires on or under the ground and minimize the damages caused by disasters. Although Common Duct is so important, there’s still no evaluation model of Common Duct network plan suitable for suitable city in Taiwan . Nevertheless, whether the network plan is suitable or practical, many problems will also derive from this, such as the budgets inputted, the feasibility of multistage plan, the rationality of construction benefits, whether to meet the needs for future, etc. Hence, this study with macroscopic perspective is made by collecting related references, analyzing past cases of common duct network in Taiwan. In addition, by means of interviewing experts and aiming at the process of Common Duct network plan evaluation to do in-depth research. This study also applies the concepts of MCDM, and integrates systematical methods such as DAHP, TOPSIS and SA to set construction priority for the common duct network in Taiwan’s urban areas. The priority model set in this study divides networks into compulsory and optional network--- to evaluate rules and policies for compulsory network, to use systematical methods such as MCDM for optional network, and finally to simulate and analyze cases to figure out layer and weighted index: construction and maintenance costs (0.167), demands of ducts (0.223), frequency of duct-construction (0.339), standard of road services (0.271), and also to use TOPSIS for policy-makers to consult multistage plan of common duct construction. This construction priority is expected to help setting suitable common duct network, so as to meet the needs for urban living system, to make the best economical benefits, to create cites with precaution against natural calamities, and then to lift the high standards and enhances the competitive advantage in Taiwan.


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