  • 學位論文


Framework of A Carbon Footprint Calculator for Realizing the Low-Carbon Society

指導教授 : 胡憲倫




With the rising concern on the deterioration of climate change, how to educate general public to reduce their carbon footprints become more and more important. Currently, governments of every country focus not just on controlling the main emissions sources, but also try to enhance the efficiency of carbon reduction through the development of low carbon communities. Hence, a suitable carbon footprint calculator play a crucial role in educating general public to understand their own carbon emissions and to further change their living behaviors. In Taiwan, although several carbon footprint calculators have been developed, none of them is adequate in terms of functions and completeness of the database. Therefore, to develop a carbon footprint calculator framework conforming Taiwanese living style and with completeness becomes the goal of this study. After analyzing various carbon footprint calculators, an evaluating hierarchy for Taiwan’s carbon footprint calculator was proposed. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the hierarchy, this study applied the Fuzzy Delphi Method to collected experts’ opinions on the framework. After two rounds of FDM questionnaires, the framework of carbon footprint calculator to be used in Taiwan was finalized. The proposed carbon footprint calculator framework consists of 5 dimensions (including household, transportation, food, commercial goods/services and green behaviors) and 21 indicators. In addition, through collecting and analyzing the carbon emission coefficients, this study discovered that most of carbon emission coefficients for calculating carbon footprints are missing in Taiwan. It is suggested that in order to strive to the low carbon society, a database which consists of accurate and complete carbon emission coefficients should be established in the future.


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