  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of a PMSM Drive with Low Resolution Rotor Flux Position Sensors

指導教授 : 黃明熙


本論文提出以簡易三只霍爾元件作為轉子磁場位置回授之永磁同步馬達驅動系統。首先,針對限流之120°六步波、具電流補償器之180°六步波、同步框向量控制三種不同驅動方式,對馬達之震動、噪音及效率進行分析;根據分析結果在啟動與低速採用具電流補償器之180°六步波,中高速切換為同步框之向量控制,如此可以兼具低速啟動轉矩與降低在中高速運轉時馬達震動與噪音、及提高系統整體效率。 為進一步提升馬達於低速之速度調控特性,因此加入具有負載回饋之速度觀測器以提高轉子位置回授之解析度。最後以Renesas之數位訊號處理器SH7137作為控制核心,建構驅動器並以組合語言撰寫控制策略,驗證本論文所提的控制方法之有效性。


In this thesis, a microprocessor-based PMSM drive with only three Hall-effect sensors as rotor flux detection is studied. First, three PMSM control methods, 120° six-step with current limit, 180° six-step with current control, synchronous frame vector control, are compared based on some key performance index of motor, such vibration, noise and efficiency. According to the analysis, a PMSM drive with both 180° six-step current control in lower speed and synchronous frame vector control in middle to high speed range is proposed. Therefore, high torque in low speed and less vibration and noisy in high speed can be obtained. Furthermore, overall system efficiency is improved. Further enhance low speed regulation characteristics, a speed observer with load feedback is added to improve the resolution of the rotor position sensor. All the control schemes are fully digitally implemented using assembly language to shorten program execution time. Some measured results are provided to show its successful operation and effectiveness in control for PMSM.


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