  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Promoting Fire Protection Safety and The Management of Aged Buildings

指導教授 : 楊元森


傳統在處理建築物消防安全時,大多以符合消防法規定的消防設備角度來探討,很少考慮到建築物的經濟耐用年限或物理耐用年限,往往與使用者常引起爭議。本研究運用模糊理論來進行研究,藉以探討提升老舊建築物消防安全與管理模式之最適方案,如何兼具消防設備裝置成本最小化及提升老舊建築物消防安全品質之目標。 本研究係針對提升老舊建築物消防安全與管理模式之最適方案加以檢討國內老舊建築物目前消防安全狀況及困境分析並加以深入評估方案之優劣順序。利用多準則評估法(Multi-Criteria Decision Method;MCDM),來評選各替選方案,採用層級分析法(Analysis Hierarchy Process Method;AHP法)計算各評估準則之重要度及方案評選優先順序排列之TOPSIS法(Technique of Order Performance by Similarity Ideal Solution Method)來進行方案評選工作。在以上兩種方法中,本研究構建四個評估層面與十四個評估準則之實例驗證而得到最適方案,使決策更具更具週延性,決策過程更能符合實際的需要。


Traditionally when the government authorities deal with fire protection safety, the laws to comply with fire-fighting equipment are mostly considered the economic useful life or physical useful life of buildings, which often lead to controversy. This study uses the fuzzy theory in order to investigate the fire protection safety of aged buildings and enhance the management of the most suitable policy, how to both minimize the cost of fire-fighting equipment installation and promoting aged buildings fire protection safety quality. This work studied the evaluation of promoting fire protection safety and the management of aged buildings to analysis and assessing the policy priority order within the current condition and predicament. The Multi-Criteria Decision Method (MCDM) is applied to evaluate and, ultimately, select every feasible alternative mode. The Analysis Hierarchy Process Method(AHP method) is also applied to compute relative weight or significant of every evaluation criterion,meanwhile,and by using the Technique of Order Performance by Similarity Ideal Solution Method (TOPSIS) for the alternation evaluation and selection priority order. In both methods, we constructed four assessment levels and fourteen evaluation criteria to get the most proper policy. It is not only helps the policy-making enhance decision quality but also provides the actual needs during the decision process.




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