  • 學位論文


Investigating User’s Acceptance Behavior on NFC Mobile Phone Service by UTAUT Model

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


由於我國行動電話用戶數已趨飽和,電信業者吸引用戶的方式除了價格外,無不開發多變化行動加值服務;近年來多間行動電信業者與銀行業者合作,提供信用卡手機小規模用戶試用計劃,從此民眾身上只要有持一支配有NFC (Near Field Communication)手機即可完成商店消費、搭乘交通運輸工具、停車、即時感應下載影音簡介及會員卡識別等多項功能。本研究擬針對此新型態行動電話服務發展之初,並透過整合性科技接受模式(Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, UTAUT)為研究架構,設計本研究之問卷題項,並配合無線射頻產業之特性進行研究,據以研究使用者對NFC手機服務的接受程度。樣本對象為曾經使用過NFC手機服務或了解無線射頻技術為主,回收189份有效樣本,並透過因素分析及結構方程等方法,檢測研究模型之假設。根據研究結果顯示,付出預期會影響績效預期,績效預期、社會影響及焦慮會影響態度,而態度及配合設施條件則會影響使用意圖。


The number of domestic mobile phone users is saturated over the years. The most effective ways to appeal customers are dropping the price and developing value-added services in mobile phones. Recent years, lots of telecommunication businesses cooperate with banks to provide NFC credit card payments piloting. Users can bring NFC mobile phone to perform purchases in supermarkets, pay for bills or use as a proof of identification, etc. This study explores the factors that affect consumers to accept NFC mobile phones by using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) method. The participant size was 189, and test reliability, validity, and SEM were verifying the hypothesis. Results indicate that Effort Expectancy has a positive effect on Performance Expectance. Performance Expectancy and Social Influence have a positive effect on Attitude toward Use of Technology, but Anxiety has a negative effect on it. Attitude toward Use of Technology is more significant than Facilitating Conditions that affects on its effect Behavioral Intention.


RFID NFC UTAUT Consumer Behavior


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