  • 學位論文


A Study on The Personality Characteristic of Mid-level Academic Affairs Managers and Their Staff Organizational Citizenship Behavior in National Colleges of Technology

指導教授 : 林淑珍


本研究旨在瞭解國立技專校院教務處中階主管的人格特質與部屬組織公民行為之現況,進而探討不同背景變項之教務處中階主管的人格特質之差異,並分析教務處中階主管人格特質與其部屬組織公民行為之間的關係。 本研究採問卷調查法,以國立技專校院教務處中階主管為研究對象,共計發放73份問卷,回收73份,回收率100%。研究工具為自編之「國立技專校院教務處中階主管人格特質與部屬組織公民行為關係調查問卷」,所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析方法加以分析,研究結論如下: 一、 國立技專校院教務處中階主管人格特質以親和性最高,其次為嚴謹自律性。 二、 國立技專校院教務處中階主管知覺部屬組織公民行為以「謙恭有禮」為最高,「運動員精神」為最低。 三、 未婚之國立技專校院教務處中階主管人格特質中「經驗開放性」高於已婚之中階主管。 四、 具「親和性」人格特質之國立技專校院教務處中階主管與其部屬組織公民行為之關係有顯著差異,而於組織公民行為構面中,以「謙恭有禮」為最高,其次為「公民道德」,再其次為「盡職行為」、「利他行為」、「運動員精神」。 五、 具「嚴謹自律性」人格特質之國立技專校院教務處中階主管與其部屬組織公民行為之關係有顯著差異,而於組織公民行為構面中,以「公民道德」為最高,其次為「盡職行為」。 六、 具「外向性」人格特質之國立技專校院教務處中階主管與其部屬組織公民行為之關係有顯著差異,而於組織公民行為構面中,以「公民道德」為最高,其次為「運動員精神」。 七、 具「神經質性」人格特質之國立技專校院教務處中階主管與其部屬組織公民行為之關係有顯著差異,而於組織公民行為構面中,以「謙恭有禮」為最高,其次為「公民道德」,再其次為「盡職行為」、「運動員精神」。 八、 具「經驗開放性」人格特質之國立技專校院教務處中階主管與其部屬組織公民行為之關係有顯著差異,而於組織公民行為構面中,以「謙恭有禮」為最高,其次為「盡職行為」。 依據研究結果,分別對學校單位、教務處中階主管及未來研究者提出具體之建議,以供參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the correlation between the personality characteristic of mid-level academic affairs managers and their staff organizational citizenship behavior in national colleges of technology and to separately explore the correlation between the background information and personality characteristic of mid-level academic affairs managers and their staff organizational citizenship behavior. Research methods were questionnaire survey and a self-developed“Questionnaire on the Correlation between The Personality Characteristic of Mid-level Academic Affairs Managers and Their Staff Organizational Citizenship Behavior in National Colleges of Technology”. The subjects were 73 mid-level academic affairs managers in national colleges of technology. The 73 copies of questionnaires were sent, and 73 valid copies were collected. Descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted to analyze the result. The conclusions were as follows: 1. The mid-level academic affairs managers in national colleges of technology all possess the significant personal characteristic, mostly close to “agreeableness”, and close to “conscientiousness” in the second place. 2. The mid-level academic affairs managers in national colleges of technology sensed that the highest organizational citizenship behavior of their staff was courtesy and the lowest was sportsmanship. 3. The “openness to experience” personality characteristic of the single mid-level academic affairs managers was significantly higher than the married mid-level academic affairs managers in national colleges of technology. 4. With “agreeableness” personality characteristic of the mid-level academic affairs managers in national colleges of technology and their staff organizational citizenship behavior relationship were significantly different, mostly close to “courtesy”, and close to “civil virtue” in the second place. 5. With “conscientiousness” personality characteristic of the mid-level academic affairs managers in national colleges of technology and their staff organizational citizenship behavior relationship were significantly different, mostly close to “civil virtue”, and close to “conscientiousness” in the second place. 6. With “extraversion” personality characteristic of the mid-level academic affairs managers in national colleges of technology and their staff organizational citizenship behavior relationship were significantly different, mostly close to “civil virtue”, and close to “sportsmanship” in the second place. 7. With “neuroticism” personality characteristic of the mid-level academic affairs managers in national colleges of technology and their staff organizational citizenship behavior relationship were significantly different, mostly close to “courtesy”, and close to “conscientiousness” in the second place. 8. With “openness to experience” personality characteristic of the mid-level academic affairs managers in national colleges of technology and their staff organizational citizenship behavior relationship were significantly different, mostly close to “courtesy”, and close to “conscientiousness” in the second place. Based on the results of this study, concrete suggestions are provided to schools, the mid-level academic affairs managers and future researchers for reference.




