  • 學位論文


Application of Adaptive Idle Speed Control on V2 Engine

指導教授 : 吳浴沂


進氣系統的積碳問題是造成引擎怠速不穩的主要原因,一旦積碳發生,節氣門的動態也會隨之改變,因此本論文針對增程式電動車之V2增程器引擎發展適應性怠速控制策略,適應性控制器是以基於模型(Model based)架構為基礎進行發展,代表受控體的模型則分別以一維的進氣及扭力動態表示。將以上動態整合為一多輸入單輸出(MISO)系統的迴歸模型,利用遞迴最小平方法(Recursive Least Square, RLS)即時更新系統參數,使代表受控體的迴歸模型根據當下的動態進行調整,運用閉迴路增益值(closed-loop gain)的運算以及係數比較法得到包含系統參數的適應性增益值關係式,使得更新後的系統參數可以根據當下的運轉動態即時調整控制器的增益值,當扭力負載加諸到引擎時,轉速會有較劇烈的變化,本論文同樣使用RLS方法判別加諸到引擎的扭力負載,並利用前饋控制模組根據所判別出的扭力負載直接計算對應扭力負載的節氣門目標開度,以減少傳統控制器修正時間,由結果觀察可得轉速誤差減少,證實前饋控制結果較傳統控制結果有明顯的改善,共可改善10%,接著觀察積碳情況發生時控制效果比較,由於傳統控制器所使用的是固定增益值,適應性控制器的增益值已根據更新後的系統參數進行調整,因此當引擎產生積碳情況後,適應性控制器可改善13%,若再使用前饋控制,總共可改善22%。


Due to deposits or different dynamic characters that exist in different opening of Throttle, this thesis develops an adaptive idle speed control strategy for a V2 range extender engine. Adaptive controller is developed on the model based structure. The plant model will be represented by one dimensional air intake and torque dynamic. The integration of dynamic above will be a multi-input-single-output (MISO) system. The system parameters are updated by recursive least square (RLS) method, therefore the system is able to represent the actual operation. The updated system parameters adjust control gain by derivation of closed-loop gain and pole placement. This thesis also applies RLS method in torque load identification, and uses feedforward control module to calculate the desired throttle opening for the correspond torque. Therefore the tracking time could be reduced. The results of feedforward control are obviously improved from traditional control by 10%. As deposits happened, the results of adaptive control are improved from traditional control by 13%. While feedforward control is added, the results could be improved by 22%.


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