  • 學位論文


Design and Analysis of Anti-theft Bicycles

指導教授 : 徐正會 賴明鈞


本研究係有關於防竊式自行車之分析與設計。首先針對自行車鎖之結構裝置,將其相關的學術期刊、論文及專利公報加以蒐集整理分類與分析,了解現階段關於自行車鎖裝置之發展趨勢,而現今自行車風潮在世界各地都是已相當盛行,且自行車已逐漸趨向於高價位之休閒運動器材,故其失竊率在各國家也逐漸攀升。而在市面上雖有許多種類之自行車鎖具,但其鎖具也因容易被破壞而無法達到足夠之防竊性,所以本研究主要以構造簡單、操作方便為目標設計,其最主要的功能為可讓使用者安心停放自行車。 依據其創新機構設計流程,首先定義出主要之功能需求,再依照自行車之基本關鍵尺寸來設計此防竊式自行車的基本車架結構,最後整合所需之各項設計需求。本研究以SolidWorks繪製防竊式自行車之3D模型,並且使用ANSYS進行應力分析,以瞭解其應力分佈狀態。


防竊 自行車 鎖具


This research will deal with the analysis and design of an anti-theft bicycle. At the first, the structure of the bicycle lock device will be focused. Therefore, all related academic journals, dissertations, and patent were collected, ordered, classified, and analyzed in order to understand the phase of the developing tendency towards the bicycle lock apparatus presently. Nowadays, a wave of riding bicycles all over the world is quite prevailing. Also, the bicycles incline to be high-price sporting and recreational equipment. Due to this, the rate of stolen bicycles has increased as well. Even though there are many different types of bicycle locks sold on the market, they are unable to work out effectively to prevent from being stolen because they are easy to be broken. In this case, the target design in this research will be mainly put on the simple structure and facile use enabling users feeling secure to park their bicycles. Based on the process of creative mechanism design, the main functional requirement is firstly defined. Then, the basic structure of the anti-theft bicycle frame is designed, according to the essential size of the bicycle. At last, all the needful design requirement are integrated. To understand the distributive state of stress analysis, SolidWorks is used to draw the 3D model of the anti-theft bicycle and ANSYS is executed to proceed stress analysis.


anti-theft bicycle lock


[22]Jennifer Chen, “Bicycle Lock Holding Apparatus," U.S. Patent Number 7,311,233, 2007.
[24]Robert D. Ray, “Bicycle Lock," U.S. Patent Number 4,037,441, 1977.
[27]Robert Halter, “Bicycle Lock with Storable Reel Cable," U.S. Patent Number 5,251,464.
