  • 學位論文

高中職學校教師資訊素養調查之研究 —以基隆市為例

An Investigative Study of the Information Literacy of Teachers in Senior High Schools and Vocational High Schools in Keelung

指導教授 : 張仁家


本研究旨在調查基隆市高中職學校教師資訊素養之現況,分析不同背景之基隆市高中職等學校教師其資訊素養是否有差異情形。本研究整理資訊素養之相關文獻,由國內外專家學者、政府推動政各項政策及教師資訊能力指標來分析教師資訊素養內涵,包含:「電腦系統基本操作能力」、「網際網路使用能力」、「電腦軟體應用與操作能力」、「資訊教學設備使用能力」、及「電腦倫理」等五個面向為範圍,作為問卷設計之依據。本研究採用問卷調查法,調查對象以九十六學年度基隆市高中職學校為母群體,共得有效問卷271份,有效回收90.3%,統計方法採平均數、標準差、單一樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費法(Scheffe method)事後比較進行資料處理。經資料處理分析,本研究獲得結論如下: 一、基隆市高中職學校教師資訊素養現況屬於中上程度。 二、基隆市高中職男性教師之資訊素養在「電腦軟體應用與操作能力」、「資訊教學設備使用能力」優於女性教師。 三、基隆市高中職學校30(含) 歲以下教師於「電腦系統基本操作能力」、「網際網路使用能力」、「電腦軟體應用與操作能力」優於50 歲以上教師。 四、基隆市高中職學校30~40 歲(含) 教師於「電腦系統基本操作能力」優於50 歲以上教師。 五、基隆市高中職學校5 年(含)以下教師之資訊素養於「電腦系統基本操作能力」、「網際網路使用能力」優於20 年以上教師。 六、基隆市高中職學校研習144小時以上教師之資訊素養於「電腦系統基本操作能力」、「網際網路使用能力」、「電腦軟體應用與操作能力」及「資訊教學設備使用能力」優於18小時(1學分)以下教師。 七、每週使用電腦6小時以上之基隆市高中職學校教師之資訊素養於「電腦系統基本操作能力」、「網際網路使用能力」、「電腦軟體應用與操作能力」及「資訊教學設備使用能力」優於不到3(含)小時之教師。 八、每天有上網一小時基隆市高中職學校教師之整體資訊素養優於每天沒有上網之教師。 九、有追求電腦資訊新知的習慣教師之資訊素養在「電腦系統基本操作能力」、「網際網路使用能力」、「資訊教學設備使用能力」、「電腦軟體應用與操作能力」優於沒有追求電腦資訊新知的習慣教師。 十、基隆市高中職學校教師之資訊素養不會因學校性質、教育程度及任教科目不同而有所差異。


資訊教育 資訊素養


This study was aimed to explore which were different informational literacy among vocational / senior high school teachers, Keelung, by analyzing their backgrounds. The researcher collected related articles, including diverse policies proposed by scholars, and authority concerned, accompanied by teachers’ informational competency indictors to analyze teachers’ informational literacy as followed: “Computer using abilities”, “Internet using abilities”, “Software utilizing and operating abilities”, “Media utilizing and operating abilities”, and “Computer using ethics”. The research questionnaire was also designed on these five dimensions described above. This study required questionnaire investigation, the target subject were vocational / senior high school teachers, Keelung. The researcher collected 271 replies to implement data processing by means of one-way ANOVA, one-sample t test, Scheffe method, post-hoc comparisons to obtain related data, such as means, standard deviations and so on. The research results are as followed: a. The current informational literacy of vocational / senior high school teachers, Keelung are superior. b. The male are better than the female in the fields of “Software utilizing and operating abilities”, and “Media utilizing and operating abilities”. c. Ages under thirty’s teachers are better than the ages above fifty’s teachers in the fields of “Computer using abilities”, “Internet using abilities”, “Software utilizing and operating abilities”. d. 30~40 years old teachers are better than the ages above 50’s teachers in the field of “Computer using abilities”. e. Teaching experience under 5 year’s teacher are better than teaching experience over 20 years’ teachers in the fields of “Computer using abilities”, “Internet using abilities”. f. Teachers with minimum 144 hrs’ on-the-job training on informational literacy better than teachers with only 18 hrs or less in the fields of “Computer using abilities”, “Internet using abilities”, “Media utilizing and operating abilities”. g. Teachers with surfing the Internet 6 hrs per week are better than teachers with that 3 hrs below a in the fields of “Computer using abilities”, “Internet using abilities”, “Media utilizing and operating abilities”. h. Teachers with a habit of surfing the Internet every day are better than those without such a habit on all kinds of informational abilities. i. Teachers dare to purchase innovation on information are better than those without such a habit in the fields of “Computer using abilities”, “Internet using abilities”, “Software utilizing and operating abilities”. j. Teachers’ informational literacy wouldn’t vary in accordance of different schools, educational degrees, and their on expertises.




