  • 學位論文


A Study on Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Conductive Polyolefin Elastomer

指導教授 : 鄧道興


填充型導電性高分子複合材料必須藉由填充材料在基材內部形成導電通路,以獲得導電及電磁波屏蔽之功能。然而因為加入大量的填充材料,衍生出複合材料與基材的機械物性有明顯之差異。 本實驗採用聚烯烴彈性體分別加入導電碳纖維或導電碳黑經由塑譜儀混煉均勻成導電高分子複合材料,藉以探討其表面電阻係數、電磁波屏蔽效益等電氣性質及機械拉伸性質。 聚烯彈性體為熱可塑性彈性體;其比重較一般熱塑性材料低,且在寒冷氣候下能保持柔性和韌性,於添加大量之導電碳纖維及導電碳黑時,仍可擁有較高之延伸率及較低之比重。實驗結果顯示本研究所開發之材料其表面電阻最大可達80Ω/□,電磁波屏蔽效益最高可達60~90dB,延伸率可達824%,故可作為電磁波屏蔽材料;對一般家電通訊設備,具有良好的電磁波屏蔽效果;又可適用於室內抗靜電襯墊;在其延伸及柔軟性較佳的狀況下,更適用於需耐曲折之人造皮革等產品,如手機皮套等。


Conductive and electromagnetic shielding effects of filler-type conductive polymer composites result from the filler used to construct conductive circuits in matrix. Furthermore, massive fillers would cause significant difference in mechanical properties between the new composites and the original matrix. Polyolefin elastomer was used in this study. It was blended evenly by brabender with carbon fiber and carbon black respectively to form conductive polymer composites. Besides the electrical properties as coefficient of surface resistance and electromagnetic shielding effect, the tensile properties were also investigated. Polyolefin elastomer is thermoplastic with lower specific gravity than usual thermoplastic materials. It would maintain flexibility and toughness in cold weather. Although massive conductive carbon fiber or conductive carbon black was added, the characteristics of higher elongation and lower specific gravity still remained. The experimental results showed that the coefficient of surface resistance could reach as high as 80Ω/□; the maximum electromagnetic shielding effect could attain to 60~90dB, and the elongation could be 824%. It is evident that the composite materials developed in this research are suitable for utilization in anti-static or anti-electromagnetic man-made leathers, linings of other anti-static materials, etc.


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