  • 學位論文


A Study of Antifungal Ability of Nano-silver Catalyst on Building Materials

指導教授 : 曾昭衡
共同指導教授 : 邵文政(Wen-Cheng Shao)


臺灣位處於亞熱帶季風氣候區,且受到全球氣候變遷的影響,強降雨颱風發生頻率增加,導致室內裝修建材受潮,引發黴菌生長。近年來奈米銀觸媒良好之殺菌技術逐漸應用於日常生活中,但許多奈米銀觸媒相關研究皆針對細菌,鮮少針對真菌之相關研究,本研究模擬環境潮濕及建材受潮情形,以室內常用裝修建材夾板、石膏板及水泥板作為試驗建材,並選用室內常見黴菌菌種黑麴黴 (Aspergillus niger)及葡萄穗黴菌(Stachybotrys chartarum),奈米銀觸媒於建材之銀含量須符合毒性特性溶出程序(Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure,TCLP)檢出標準值,製備200℃及120℃之5wt %及2wt %的奈米銀觸媒,觀察28天建材上黴菌生長情況、生長面積及生長曲線,探討奈米銀觸媒抑制建材黴菌的效果及可行性。 研究結果顯示奈米銀觸媒在製程溫度為200℃、銀離子濃度為5wt %之抑菌效果較佳,奈米銀觸媒於200℃5wt %符合TCLP標準之 max 於試驗建材與黴菌有明顯延遲生長情形,符合TCLP標準之mid 由於銀離子濃度較低,於試驗建材及黴菌菌種均未有明顯延遲生長情形。綜合上述研究結果,奈米銀觸媒應用於建材上,在足夠銀離子添加下能有效延遲葡萄穗黴菌及黑麴黴於建材之開始生長天數、降低建材黴菌生長面積,顯示奈米銀觸媒應用於室內裝修材料能有效抑制黴菌生長。


Taiwan is located in the sub-tropical monsoon climate zone, which is warm and humid and favourable for fungal growth. In flooded residential areas, fungal growth on building materials thrive due to dampness. Nano-silver, which has good sterilization properties, is applied to our life more frequently . Most of studies focuse on bacterial suppression , rarely for fungal. In this study, we assessed antifungal activity or on Nano-silver moldy water-damaged building materials. The test materials were plywood, gypsum board and cement board, which are always used in interior decoration. And the fungal strains were Aspergillus niger and Stachybotrys chartarum, commonly seen household afflictions . The objective of this study is to evaluate results on building materials applied with Nano-silver catalyst to investigate the fungal growth level, growth area and the growth curve. The results showed that the Nano-silver catalyst made with 200℃ process have the highest antimicrobial property. Under the TCLP standards, the TCLP-max of Nano-silver made with the 200℃5wt% process had displays the most obvious mold suppression for water-damaged building materials. All the TCLP-mid of Nano-silver, which didn’t have antifungal activity due to lower concentrations. Nano-silver Catalyst was found to improve water-damaged building materials with fungal affliction. Appropriate use of it could enhance and improve on the indoor environment.


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