  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Students’ Learning Performance among Multiple Admission Channels in 4-Year Programs at an University of Technology

指導教授 : 林俊彥


本研究旨在探討科技大學四年制日間部不同入學管道學生學習表現之現況,並分析不同背景變項對於科技大學四年制日間部不同管道入學學生學習表現的差異情形。本研究採用問卷調查法,以「國立臺北科技大學學生學習表現量表」為研究工具。研究對象為102學年度科技大學二至四年級學生,共計發放520份問卷,有效問卷435份,有效回收率84%。資料回收後採用次數分配與百分比、平均數與標準差、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定以及卡方檢定進行資料的分析與討論,獲致以下結論: 一、 科技大學四年制日間部不同管道入學學生,以高中生申請入學之學生在「共同科目」及「英文成績」的表現為最佳,其餘在學業表現均沒有差異。 二、 科技大學四年制日間部不同管道入學學生,除四年級繁星計畫之學生在「領導能力」的表現為最佳,其餘在社團與生活的表現均沒有差異。 三、 科技大學四年制日間部不同管道入學學生,以繁星計畫入學之學生在「入學前」證照考取的比例最高;「入學後」不論哪種入學管道均無不同。   四、 科技大學四年制日間部技優保送管道入學學生,參加系內、區域性、全國性以及國際性專題(技能)競賽的比例最高,其餘在學院的競賽不同管道入學學生在參賽比例並無不同。 五、 本研究與近十年來有關技職教育不同入學管道學生學習表現的研究大致有相同的發現;不同入學管道的學生入學後,在課業上和社團活動的表現並沒有太多差異。


This study was aimed to explore the learning performances of different admission entrances to the four-year programs at University of Technology, and analyze the discrepancy between different backgrounds. The research method was Questionnaire Survey procedure, using the “National Taipei University of Technology learning performances scale” as the research tool. The participants of this study were sophomore to senior students of University of Technology in the academic year 102. The grand total provided 520 questionnaires, recycling effective questionnaires 435. The recycling rate of effective questionnaire was 84%. The statistical analyses included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, dependent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and chi-square distribution. The conclusions drawn from the results are as follows: 1. The senior high school students who got the admission by individual application performed best in “General Courses” and “English“, but there were no difference from others in academic, club and daily life. 2. The senior students who got the admission by Multi-Stars Project had performed best in “leadership”, but there was no significant discrepancy in academic performance and club activity. 3. The students who got the admission by Multi-Stars Project had the highest rate of passing the license examination before being admitted. 4. The students who got the admission by Skill-talented had the highest rate of participating in regional, national monographic and international competitions, but there were no difference from others in department or college competitions. 5. The study had approximately conclusion with others nearly a decade focused on different admission entrances: There was no significant discrepancy in academic performance and club activity.


