  • 學位論文


A Study of the Attitude of Workshop Safty and Hygiene for Teachers and Students in Department of Food and Beverage in Vocation High School - in the Keelung & Taipei Area

指導教授 : 張仁家


本研究旨在研究高職餐飲科學生對實習工場安全衛生的態度,透過問卷調查法,瞭解教師與學生之態度傾向、差異情形,以及探究不同背景變項的師生對實習工場安全衛生態度是否有顯著差異,以了解學校實習工場安全衛生方面的問題,提供未來高職餐飲管理科安全衛生課程內容之建議。 本研究以基北區16所高職學校日間部餐飲管理科學生及教師為研究母群體,得有效教師卷79份,得有效學生卷609份。統計方法採用百分比、次數分配、平均數、標準差、單一樣本t考驗、獨立樣本t考驗(t-test)、單因子變異數分析等統計方法,獲致以下結論: ㄧ、目前高職餐飲管理科教師於實習工場的安全衛生,具有正面、積極的態度。 二、不同背景變項之高職餐飲管理科教師中,未曾擔任過科主任或實習主任職務 者,對實習工場安全衛生態度傾向正向、積極程度。 三、目前高職餐飲管理科學生於實習工場安全衛生態度,認知表現屬中上程度, 而情感傾向程度高於行為傾向程度,顯示學生雖對實習工場安全衛生有肯定 評價,但行為表現尚需加強。 四、不同背景變項之公立的高職餐飲管理科學生與女姓學生,對實習工場安全衛 生之態度傾向具有較佳程度;曾發生過個人事件經驗者,在行為傾向上較佳。 五、高職餐飲管理科教師與學生,對實習工場安全衛生之態度具有顯著差異,教 師較學生有積極態度,學生需要再教育。


This research aims at exploring the attitude of vocational students to the safety and hygiene of practice workshop in the senior high school. Through the questionnaire survey, researcher can know better about the teachers and students’ attitude tendency, the differences, and to investigate whether those from variable background teachers and students’ attitudes toward the safety and hygiene of practice workshop has notable difference or not. In order to understand the problems of the school‘s practice safe health in the workshop . Researcher provide the suggestion of the health curriculum of vocational school’s future safety and hygiene management. This research was based on students and teachers in the Keelung & Taipei Area 16 daytime management department of food vocational high schools, totally sending out 84 formal questionnaires for teachers and 664 for students . The questionnaires were 79 valid response returned. The students questionnaires were 609 valid response returned. Data analysis comprised percentage, description statistic, independent sample t-test analysis and one-way analysis of variance. There are five conclusions as follows: 1. Now the attitude of vocational teacher to the safety and hygiene of practice orkshopin the senior high school are positive . 2. The teachers those from different background in management of food and beverage department have never hold the post of the director or the practice director have the more positive attitude to the safety and hygiene of practice workshop. 3. Now the attitude of vocational students to the safety and hygiene of practice workshop, their cognition are good , and the affection tendency is better than behavioral tendency. It shows that the students are showing good enough, but their behavioral tendency still need to be improved. 4. Those students from different backround in department of Food and Beverage in Vocational High School , their attitude to the safety and hygiene of practice workshop ,female and public school are shoeing better. And those who had personal experience,their behavioral tendency are better , too. 5. The vocational food management department students and teachers , their attitude to the safety and hygiene of practice workshop has a great difference. The teachers are having more positive attitude than students , and it also shows that the students need to be more educated.


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