  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influence of Cooperative Learning Teaching Page:201 Method Exerts on the Students Learning Effects — A Case Study of the Pose and Etiquette Course in the Department of Beautification in Vocational Hight School

指導教授 : 張仁家


本研究目的旨在探討高職美容科「美姿美儀」課程合作學習教學法對學生學習成效影響之研究,進一步分析學生「美姿美儀」學習成就與學習態度,以作為日後教師改進教學與提升學生對「美姿美儀」的學習成效之參考。研究對象係以97學年度臺北市某高職美容科二班三年級學生,透過準實驗研究法、文獻探討與問卷以達成研究目的。本研究結論指出: 一、高職美容科採用合作學習教學法對學生學習成效顯著優於傳 統講述教學法。 二、高職美容科實施合作學習教學法對學生的「美姿美儀學習成 就」有較好的表現。 三、高職美容科實施合作學習教學法對學生的「美姿美儀學習態 度」有較好的表現。 四、高職美容科在「美姿美儀」課程實施合作學習教學法對學生 學習成效之提昇有正向之效果。 依據研究之主要發現與結論,研究者提出具體建議,以供美容科教學以及未來研究者進一步研究之參考。


The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of cooperative learning teaching method used in the “Pose and Etiquette” course in department of beautification in Vocational high school on students’ learning effect. Furthermore, it analyzes student’s learning achievement and learning attitude toward “Pose and Etiquette” as the reference for teachers to improve future teaching and promote students’ learning effect on “Pose and Etiquette”. The study objects are two classes of 3rd grade students in department of beautification of a vocational high school in Taipei City in 2008 academic year, through quasi-experimental study, literature exploration and questionnaire in order to reach the purpose of this study. The study result shows that: 1. The cooperative learning teaching method adopted by department of beautification of vocational high school is better for student’s learning effect then traditional didactic instruction. 2. The department of beautification of vocational high school enforcing cooperative learning teaching method shows student’s better performance on “learning achievement of pose and etiquette”. 3. The department of beautification of vocational high school enforcing cooperative learning teaching method shows student’s better performance on “learning attitude toward pose and etiquette”. 4. The department of beautification of vocational high school enforcing cooperative learning teaching method in “Pose and Etiquette” course shows positive effect on promoting students’ learning effect. The researcher provides concrete suggestions from main findings and conclusions of this study as reference for the teaching of beautification department and further study in the future.


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