  • 學位論文


Legal and Customer Behavior Empirical Study on Pricing Error of B2C Online Shopping Stores: Perspective from Dell Case

指導教授 : 王育慧


本研究的主要目的在於了解目前的電子商務網站體系(B to C)中所產生的法律爭議,並以戴爾(Dell)案為探討案例,由法律面去探討當發生標價錯誤時,會產生哪些法律上的爭議,以及由管理面去了解當發生標價錯誤時買家會產生哪些知覺風險;標價錯誤所產生的知覺風險是否會影響到買家對購物網站以及賣家的信任程度;而目前網站所提供的風險管控措施如:第三方支付工具、保險、社群討論、限制消費者購買數量、異常交易量警示系統,是否能降低因為標價錯誤所產生的知覺風險;此外,知覺風險是否會透過信任,進而影響到買家的購買意向;風險控管措施是否直接影響信任,使得更多買家願意使用電子商務網站的機制;進而本研究希望賣家能利用風險控管措施,去預防標價錯誤的事情發生。本研究以參與過電子商務的買家為對象,進行實體及網路問卷調查,經由統計分析,獲得以下幾點結論: 一、 當發生標價錯誤時會產生法律上的爭議有網路購物交易網頁之性質究竟是要約或要約之引誘;買賣契約已成立,賣方得否主張意思表示錯誤加以撤銷;標價錯誤是否為促銷;買方是否違反誠實信用原則。 二、 風險控管措施可以減少標價錯誤所產生法律上的爭議。 三、 參與電子商務購物之買家,在發生標價錯誤之情境下,會產心理、績效、財務、社會、時間、隱私權及訴訟這七種知覺風險。 四、 知覺風險愈高時,會使得買家對賣家以及網站之信任程度愈低。 五、 參與電子商務購物之買家對賣家以及網站之信任程度對買家之購買意向有顯著正向影響。 六、 參與電子商務的買家之知覺風險會透過信任程度影響其購買意向。 七、 電子商務之風險管控措施並不能弱化買家之知覺風險對信任程度之影響, 八、 風險管控措施有效提升買家之信任程度。 九、 買家對賣家信任的程度會因為風險控管措施而強化買家的購買意向。


The major purpose of this study is to investigate legal disputes and explore the correlations between perceived risks and risk control measures, trust and purchase intention on pricing error of B2C online shopping stores. Both legal and management science methodologies are conducted in this study. Dell case is analyzed to clarify legal disputes on pricing errors such as contract potency, revoke the expression and protection of reliance interest. This study also uses internet questionnaires for E-commerce participants. This study aims to contribute to a more sophisticated understanding of risk control measures on pricing error of B2C online shopping mechanism. Through regression and statistical analysis, conclusions are as follows: 1. When the pricing error occurred, some legal disputes have risen: Is the legal nature of webpage of online shopping stores an “offer” or an “invitation to offer;Could online shopping stores revoke its expression acting on pricing error;Do online shopping stores wilfully make pricing error for promotion purpose;Do buyers with large scale orders violate the principle of good faith. 2. The risk control measures can reduce some legal disputes which were resulted by pricing error. 3. In the E-commerce environment, there are seven kinds of perceived risk on pricing error, including psychological risk、performance risk、financial risk、social risk、time risk、private right risk and litigation risk. 4. The perceived risk of buyers has significant negative effects on the trust. 5. In the E-commerce environment, buyers’ trust to the sellers and website has significant and positive effects on purchase intention. 6. The overall trust to the E-commerce environment has intermediating effect between pricing error’s perceived risks and purchase intention. 7. The risk control measures have no moderating effect on the relationship between the pricing error’s perceived risks and trust. 8. The risk control measures have significant and positive effects on trust directly. 9. In the E-commerce environment, buyers’ trust to the sellers and website has significant and positive effects on purchase intention by risk control measures.


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