  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Effectiveness of General Education of Technology College

指導教授 : 翁上錦


技術學院是以培養中高級專業技術人力為宗旨,除兼顧理論與實務外,並注重人格修養、文化陶冶及培養學生正確的職業道德。檢視目前技術學院課程,較偏重專業技術的教學,忽略人文方面的陶冶,造成現在的學生,不太懂得生活禮儀、缺乏責任感、道德偏差等問題行為。 本文以中華技術學院(含台北、新竹以及高雄共三校區)通識教育課程科目為例,探討通識課程任課教師與學生對通識科目前重要性及將來重要性歸屬的看法,同時亦探討通識課程的學習滿意度情形,提供改進通識教育教學之參考。 本研究獲致如下重要結論與建議: 一、教師認為「生活-健康」類通識課程的重要性最高,每類通識課程重要性最高五科目、共計二十科目中,重要性歸屬「必備通識科目」有八科,屬「應備通識科目」有十二科,全部六十九科通識科目中,重要性歸屬「不重要通識科目」有四科。 二、學生對「科技-趨勢」類與「生活-健康」類通識課程重要性認知屬「重要」等級;而對「文學-藝術」類與「本土-國際」類通識課程重要性認知屬「尚重要」,四類通識科目共計有五門科目屬「很重要」科目。 三、在「本土-國際」類課程的重要性認知,女生明顯高於男生;而「科技-趨勢 」類課程的重要性認知,男生明顯高於女生。二技學生對「生活-健康」類通識課程重要性的認知明顯高於四技學生的認知。 四、中華技術學院通識課程學生對通識科目總體滿意度為「尚滿意」,類別通識科目五個構面滿意度之高低依序為:「教學態度」、「師資與教學」、「課程規劃」、「教學評量」、與「資源與設計」。 五、法律知識、壓力調適、生涯規劃、音樂等都是師生很重視的課題。教師與學生一致認為最重要的十六門通識科目為:1.壓力調適與情緒管理、2.人際關係與溝通、3.現代生活的心理調適、4.兩性關係、5.婚姻與家庭、6.法律與生活、7.閱讀與寫作、8.人格發展、9. 現代人的健康與管理、10.思考與創新、11.生物科技與人類發展、12.音樂欣賞(現代音樂)、13.時尚居家藝術(藝術與人生)、14.旅遊英語、15.生涯規劃、16.全球化與社會變遷,應列為第一優先排課。 六、通識科目學習滿意程度,「課程規劃」構面,四技高於二技;然而「教學態度」構面,二技四高於技。


In addition to the learning of technology theory and practice, the development of personality, the introduction of cultural discipline and the formation of technological ethics are all also equally important. The purposes of the study were to understand the individual significance cognition of General Education’s courses of teachers and students, and the level of study satisfaction in General Education(G..E.). The concrete objects of this research are listed below: 1. To understand the significance cognition of G..E.subjects of General Education’s. teachers 2. To understand the students’ level of significance cognition of G..E.subjects . 3. To probe the study satisfaction in General Education of various demographic variables of students. 4. To compare the level of Cognitive differences between teachers and students regarding the significance of G.E. subjects . The major conclusions and suggestions for General Education Center of this research are as follow: 1. The highest significance recognition level of G..E.subjects:Life-Health program course for teachers 2.The two more significant G..E program for students are Technology-Trend program and Life-Health program. 2. For different gendered students have no obvious different opinions in Literature-Art s or Life-Health program course about significance recognition . 3. The dimensions of study satisfaction of G..E. course in the students’ mind s:Teaching Attitude goes first, Faculty & Teaching the second, and then Course Planning, Effectiveness Evaluation, and Resources& Design. Finally, this study proposed some suggests for General Education Center, teachers and students of China Institute of Technology. 4.The most 16 important G..E. courses for teachers and students are(Life and Law),(Interpersonal Relationship and Communications),(Stress Adjustment and Emotional Management),(Psychology Adjustment in Modern Life),(Career Planning),(Bisexual Relationship),(Reading and Writing),(Marriage and Family),(Health Management for Modern People),(Character Development),(Tour English),(Music Appreciation),(Thinking and Innovation),(Bio-tech and Development of Human-being),(Arts and Life),and(Globalization and Changing Society). 5.The G..E. course learning satisfaction in Teaching Attitude dimension of two-year program students is better than four-year program students . 6.The four-year program students’ learning satisfaction of G..E. course in Course-planning dimension is better than those of two-year program students.


高明士(民91年), 傳統中國通識教育的理論,通識教育季刊十週年紀念專刊九卷第四期
楊禮義(民 93),對技術及職業教育一些名稱的建言。商業職業教育季刊,94, 20-22。
