  • 學位論文


The Study on The Spatial Forming and Developing in Yongjing Town

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


永靖街市是彰化平原極為罕見由客家移民所建造的街市聚落,從清朝時期建造完成後歷經日治時期以及國民政府時期,街市空間早已今非昔比。本研究欲以1996年實施二次通盤檢討為時間點,往前回溯分析街市空間的形成與發展,其內容牽涉到政治、社會、經濟等值得探討的議題。目前永靖街市空間議題的研究尚處萌芽階段;在永靖地區研究中多以歷史學、語言、人類學等角度切入,在一手資料因未集中管理在取得上較為困難;在空間圖片資料亦顯不足;並在所有蒐集的文獻中以日治時期以前的研究居多,故在日治時期以後造成論述的困難。 歷史研究是一種對客觀資料的主體性詮釋,傳統對於歷史街市空間的研究多從空間的閱讀方法、形成原因與動力、如何轉化等面向切入探討,本研究嘗試以誘導式結構(Heuristic Structure)理論為研究方法與論文的操作模式,應用誘導式結構理論,將本研究從各相關面向所彙整之資料建構成一開放性研究平台,後續研究者可就此研究議題於歸結階段前隨時增減新彙整的資料,並於推論階段後重新調整其主體性詮釋。最後,本研究共推論出8點結論來詮釋永靖街市空間的發展脈絡。


Yongjing town was a rare community which is formed by Hakka immigrants in plain of Changhua. After the formation of Yongjing town, from the Qing Dynasty after the completion of the construction period of Japanese colonial period and after the Nationalist government period, a total of three Period, the spacial structure had changed. In this study, 1996 (Second review of urban-planning) for the time point analysis the formation and development of space of Yongjing town, and discussed political, social, economic and other issues worth exploring.Most of the researches of Yongjing district discussed on the history, language, anthropology, but the spacial topic in Yongjing town is still the beginning at present, and other point of involvement in the first-hand information for non-centralized management in a relatively difficult in space image data also Was inadequate, and in all collected in the literature prior to the period of Japanese rule of the majority, it was after the period of Japanese rule on the cause difficulties. History research be a result about subject interpreted objective. Tradition regarding historical downtown space researches discussed on the Space reading methods, caused and powered, how to transform. This study is based on Heuristic Structure theory and mode of operation, and collected the whole variety of information-oriented to create a open platform which will supply follow-up research to increase and reduce the information in the Induction-stage before and re-adjust new interpretation of subject in the Deduction-stage after in the future. Finally, this study deduced eight conclusions to interpret the spacial context of development of Yongjing town.


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