  • 學位論文

台北縣市高中職校軍訓教官 工作滿意度之研究

A Study on the Job Satisfaction of Military Instructors at Senior and Vocational Schools between Taipei city and County

指導教授 : 林輝亮


本研究旨在探討台北縣市高中職校軍訓教官工作滿意度。 研究透過文獻分析、專家學者訪談與諮詢,將高中職校軍訓教官主要工作分成「軍訓教學」、「生活輔導」、「校園安全」、「校務行政」及「軍訓業務」五個構面、40 個工作細項編訂成「台北縣市高中職校軍訓教官工作滿意度之調查問卷」,針對台北縣市124所高中職校、489 名軍訓教官加以調查,以百分比、平均數、標準差、t-檢定及單因子變異數分析等統計分析高中職校軍訓教官工作滿意度及其差異情形。 本研究所獲重要結論如下: 一、高中職校軍訓教官中,大學畢業之軍訓教官最多,滿意度也最高。 二、高中職校軍訓教官工作構面的滿意程度,以校園安全的滿意度最高,生活輔導的滿意度次之,校務行政的滿意度最低。 三、在軍訓教學構面之8 個細項中,高中職校軍訓教官工作滿意度以「實彈射擊活動有助於提高學生學習課程的興趣」最高,「授課計畫提報對於軍訓課程有幫助」最低。 四、在生活輔導構面之8 個細項中,高中職校軍訓教官工作滿意度以「學校重視教官所做的生活輔導工作」最高,「學校要求教官執行服儀輔導工作相當為難」最低。 五、在校園安全構面之8 個細項中,高中職校軍訓教官工作滿意度以「校長肯定教官在校園所做的安全維護工作」最高,「從事校園安全維護工作較能獲得成就感」最低。 六、在校務行政構面之8 個細項中,高中職校軍訓教官工作滿意度以「主管與學校溝通良好並保障教官尊嚴及福利」最高,「協助推動校務及各項壓力沉重感到難以負荷」最低。 七、在軍訓業務構面之8 個細項中,高中職校軍訓教官工作滿意度以「落實執行春暉業務相關工作有助於輔導學生」最高,「上級對各校執行軍訓工作評鑑有助於提升軍訓工作品質」最低。


This study mainly investigates the job satisfaction of high school military instructors in Taipei City and Taipei County. Through studying and analyzing the relative documents , processing a series of interviews with experts and scholars, the researcher classified the main work contents of high school military instructors as 40 items of five working aspects by “military education”, “students counseling”, “campus security”, “military educational affairs” and “school administration”. Then, to draft a poll to investigate and analyze the job satisfaction of the 489 military instructors from 124 high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County. Through the analytical methods of percentage,average statistics, standard deviation, t-test and single factor variable analysis to identify the Job Satisfaction of the military instructors. The researcher reaches the conclusions of this study as the followings: 1. Most of the high school military instructors are graduated from the universities, and who are most satisfied with their work. 2. The high school military instructors are most satisfied with the “campus security” of the working aspects, better with the “students counseling”, but the worst with the “school administration”. 3. Among the 8 items of the “military education” working aspect, the high school military instructors are most satisfied with the item of “ Shooting activity is helpful to enhance the interest to learn the military course”, but the worst with the item of “ Presenting a teaching project is available to the military course”. 4. Among the 8 items of the “students counseling” working aspect, the high school military instructors are most satisfied with the item of “ The school authorities consider that the students counseling work executed by the military instructors as an important work”, but the worst with the item of “ The school authorities demand the school military instructors to execute checking students’ apparel that is difficult”. 5. Among the 8 items of the “campus security” working aspect, the high school military instructors are most satisfied with the item of “The principal recognizes the high school military instructors’ work for keeping the campus safe” ,but the worst with the item of “ Keeping the campus safe could obtain more accomplishment”. 6. Among the 8 items of the “school administration” working aspect, the high school military instructors are most satisfied with the item of “ The instructors’ director makes good communication with the principal and ensures their dignities and welfare”, but the worst with the item of “ Feeling tough to assist promoting the school administrations and bear the great stress from them”. 7. Among the 8 items of the “military educational affairs” working aspect, the high school military instructors are most satisfied with the item of “ Precisely carrying out the relative work of Chun-Hui tasks is helpful to guide students”, but the worst with the item of “ The higher authorities consider that to evaluate the military educational affairs executed by high schools is available to increase the quality of the military educational affairs”.


