  • 學位論文

環保性紡織品人力需求之研究 ─ 以六家企業觀點為例

A Study of Manpower Requirements on Environmental Textile Fabrics – Six Enterprises’ Viewpoints asExamples

指導教授 : 劉曉芬


全球自然資源日益減少,暖化日趨嚴重,紡織產業面臨轉型與升級,環保意識與產業創新研發下衍生環保性紡織品。綠色環保消費是未來趨勢,環保性紡織品消費率持續成長,因應環保性紡織品的發展趨勢,本研究以半結構式訪談方式從企業觀點探討人力需求概況,歸納文獻與訪談資料分析獲致結論臚列如下: 一、紡織產業出現人力斷層現象,紡織相關科系培育之人力不足。 二、紡織相關科系及具備工作經驗者為企業主要人力需求。 三、學歷只是入門篩選條件,學歷與證照不等於能力,工作態度最為重要。 四、外語能力與紡織開發能力為專業知能需求,人格特質與解決問題能力為主要之社會需求。 五、人員的創意與創新是企業存在延續之關鍵要素。 六、職場倫理及正確工作態度之教育養成有待落實。 七、政策確切引導人力培育及配合產業需求尚須加強。 最後,依據結論提出相關建議供後續相關研究與教育相關單位作為參考。


The purposes of research will provide an analysis on the manpower requirements of Environmental - friendly textile fabrics. Natural resources is dwindling and being exhausted. Furthermore, it is getting warmer. The textile industry were facing changing and upgrading. Environmental-friendly textile fabrics were made under environmental awareness and the innovation of textile industry. To arouse environmental awareness is one of the most important trends of cosuming in the future. Environmental - friendly textile fabrics consumption rate continues to grow. In this study, semi-structured interview was used to explore the manpower requirements on environmental-friendly textile fabrics from the enterprises’ viewpoints. Major conclusions of this study were as follows: 1.The textile industry were facing the problem of workforce gap and the manpower-cultivating lack on textile-related institutes. 2.Graduates of textile-related institutes and workforces possessing work experience were primary conditions of manpower requirements. 3.Education qualification is just a kind of threshold, however, it does not equal to the whole working ability. The most important capacity was the attitude of working. 4.The capability of using foreign languages and textile development were professional demand, while characteristic and problem-solving skills regarde as social competence requirements. 5.Creativity was a key element of the existence and continuity of the enterprises. 6.The nurturing of workplace ethics and correct working attitude should be practiced in school education. 7.To associate manpower cultivation with industry demands through policy-making was important. Finally, proposing suggestions based on research results suggestions to advanced research and education-related units for reference.


徐明珠、王揚智(2006)。臺灣技職教育國際化之研究。致遠管理學院學報,1 , 37-50。


