  • 學位論文


Order Analysis for CVT Fault Diagnosis

指導教授 : 劉興華


速克達(Scooter)機車所採用的傳動方式為無段變速器CVT(Continuously Variable Transmission)傳動。此種傳動方式雖然簡單不過在使用一段時間後元件容易發生故障,因此本研究之目的是希望透過基於再取樣(resampling-based)理論之階次分析演算法來對CVT取加速區段測量其信號特徵,藉由特徵隨轉速的改變能夠判斷出CVT元件是否發生故障。本實驗第一部分是將CVT置於實驗平台上,使用平台上的馬達來驅動CVT,並由變頻器來控制馬達的加速,此部分主要是希望能方便找到CVT信號特徵。第二部分則是將CVT裝置於實車上,以手動方式控制節氣門開度來達到加速之目的,此部分主要是探討於實車上做故障診斷可能遇到的問題。實驗是在半無迴響室內進行,實驗過程中會更換不同故障元件,並利用麥克風(Microphone)、光學式轉速計(Photoelectric Tachometer Probe)、頻譜分析儀來做信號的擷取,然後將信號送至PULSE之階次運算模組做階次運算後再以階次圖呈現,從階次圖上可容易看出元件特徵之變化將有利於做故障診斷。


CVT 階次分析 噪音 故障診斷


Scooters usually use a CVT(continuously variable transmission) to transmit power from engine. Although this mechanism is simple, but some components will break down after serve for a while. Therefore, the aim of this research is to using order analysis for fault diagnosis in CVT. The pattern of each fault of CVT can be found from measured noise signal in the speed-up process by using re-sampling algorithm. In order to find the characteristics of each fault, the first part of this research is to test CVT on an experiment platform which is driven by an electric motor and the rotating speed of motor is controlled by a variable speed drive. Then the CVT is tested on a motorcycle to verify the robustness of this method. All the experiments are proceeded in a semi-anechoic chamber. The results show that order analysis can be useful for fault diagnosis in CVT.


CVT Order Analysis noise fault diagnosis


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