  • 學位論文

利用液相層析串聯二次質譜分析紅檜葉中的 二次代謝物成分

Identification of Secondary Metabolites of the Leaves of Chamaecyparis formosensis by LC-MS/MS

指導教授 : 李慶國


紅檜樹(Chamaecyparis formaosensis)是台灣原生種,生長在海拔1500–2150公尺的中央山脈區域。本篇研究材料為用甲醇萃取並減壓濃縮後之紅檜葉萃取物。使用液相層析與四級桿柱-飛行時間跟四級桿柱-離子阱兩種質譜,將紅檜葉的萃取物進行分析。利用上述兩種不同形式之質譜將紅檜葉萃取物中的成分進行鑑定。最後我們鑑定出了 22種成分,其中包含有黃酮類: catechin、quercetin-3-L-rhamnoside。雙黃酮類: hinokiflavone、7-O-methy hinokiflavone、amentoflavone、7-O-methyl-amentoflavone、4'-O-methyl-amentoflavone、4'-7-O-dimethy-amentoflavone。木質素: nortrachelogenin、thujastandin、cupressoside A。酚類: 2-Hydroxyaethyl-4- hydroxylbenzoate、p-coumaric acid、methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate。松香烷類: pisferal、pisferic acid、O-methyl pisferic acid、pisferol、3β- hydroxysugiol。桃拓烷類: 1-oxo-3β-hydroxytotarol、3β-hydroxytotarol。雙萜類: pisferanol。


Chamaecyparis formaosensis, commonly known as Taiwan red cypress, is native to Taiwan and grows at elevations of 1500–2150 m in Taiwan’s central mountains areas. C. formosensis leaves were extracted with methanol and concentrated under vacuum. The crude extract was analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography with quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) and quadrupole trap mass spectrometry. The constituents of C. formosensis were identified by LC-Q-TOF and LC-QTrap. 22 compounds including flavonoids type catechin, quercetin- 3-L-rhamnoside.biflavones type: hinokiflavone, 7-O-methy hinokiflavone, amento flavone, 7-O-methyl-amentoflavone, 4'-O-methyl-amentoflavone, 4'-7-O-dimethy-amentoflavone. lignans type:nortrachelogenin, thujastandin, cupressoside A. phenolics type : 2-hydroxyaethyl-4-hydroxyl benzoate, p-coumaric acid, methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate. Abietane type : pisferal, pisferic acid, O-methyl pisferic acid, pisferol, 3β- hydroxysugiol. Totarane type: 1-oxo-3β-hydroxy- totarol, 3β-hydroxytotarol. Diterpenoid: pisferanol were identified.


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