  • 學位論文


Antidepressant-like Effects of Perilla Oil and Oil-free Millet Powder on the Forced Swimming Test Model

指導教授 : 黃士懿


世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)指出,憂鬱症將於西元2030時成為高負擔疾病之首位。因此,尋求具有改善憂鬱情境之功能性食品,成為全球重要課題之一。本實驗將探討給予大鼠紫蘇油及脫脂小米粉飲食,對於強迫游水試驗下之抗憂鬱情境評估。實驗使用五十隻Sprague-Dawley大鼠,給予大豆油(控制組及imipramine組)、EPA、紫蘇油及脫脂小米粉飲食六週,於六週後進行強迫游水試驗並犧牲。檢測大鼠血漿、紅血球及腦部前額皮質脂肪酸組成,並分析腦部前額皮質單胺氧化酶活性、腦源性神經營養因子、血清素及多巴胺之濃度。結果發現,imipramine組、EPA組、紫蘇油組及脫脂小米粉組強迫游水試驗中,靜止期時間顯著低於控制組,而劇烈掙扎期時間顯著高於控制組(p<0.05)。紫蘇油組之腦源性神經營養因子濃度顯著高於控制組;EPA組及脫脂小米粉組之血清素濃度顯著高於控制組(p<0.05)。另外,腦部前額皮質之腦源性神經營養因子濃度與劇烈掙扎期呈顯著正相關。然而在單胺氧化酶活性及多巴胺含量,藥物及飲食介入之組別與控制組相比間均無顯著差異。由本次實驗結果發現,富含紫蘇油及脫脂小米粉之飲食均具有改善類似憂鬱情境之效應,然而其改善機制不盡相同。


Unipolar depressive disorder has been considered to be one of the major leading causes of burden of disease in 2030 by WHO. Thus, the discovery of antidepressive foods is more attractive and considerable in the world. We aimed to investigate the antidepressant-like effects of Perilla oil and oil-free millet powder diets on forced swimming test (FST) in adult male rats. Fifty Sprague-Dawley rats were housed and fed with the various diets, including soybean oil-rich, EPA-rich, Perilla oil-rich and oil-free millet powder groups for six weeks. After dietary intervention, animals were tested in the FST and sacrificed after test. We analyzed the fatty acids profiles of plasma, erythrocyte and brain prefrontal cortex (PFC). The monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity and the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), serotonin and dopamine in PFC were also determined. The results of FST showed that the Perilla oil-rich and oil-free millet powder groups showed significant shorter immobility time and longer struggling time than control group (p<0.05). The levels of BDNF in Perilla oil-rich group and the levels of serotonin in EPA and oil-free millet powder groups were higher than control group significantly (p<0.05). Moreover, the BDNF concentration in PFC was positive correlated with struggling time significantly. However, there were no significant difference in MAO activity and dopamine levels between intervention groups and control group. In conclusion, Perilla oil-rich and oil-free millet powder diets present antidepressant-like property in FST.


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