  • 學位論文


Exploring the Teaching Experience of Male Special Education School Teachers

指導教授 : 林文琪
共同指導教授 : 李燕蕙


本研究透過自身對特殊教育學校教學經驗的反省,思考在「陰盛陽衰」的工作場域之中,佔少數的男性教師面對教學對象為中重度、極重度身心障礙學生以及患有其他特殊疾病之學生,在教學工作上不僅是授課教學,還有很大的比重必須照顧這些特殊學生的日常生活。本研究關注的焦點在於探究特殊教育學校男性教師教學經驗之心路歷程、師生之間的關懷關係及其意義,以及他們如何從「性別」的角度看待特教工作。 本研究採用詮釋現象學方法論進行研究。立意取樣方式選取分別任教於特殊教育學校學前部、國小部、國中部以及高職部等四個學部之男性教師各一名為研究參與者,以半結構式深度訪談收集文本資料,用主題分析法分析資料,並與四位受訪者互為主題的同意與檢證,形成共同主題來詮釋特殊教育學校男性教師之教學經驗。 研究分析結果將特殊教育學校男性教師之教學經驗列出四個共同主題,分別是:主題一「掌舵首航,挑戰重重」;主題二「克服一切,漸入軌道」;主題三「發掘工作價值,樂當園丁」;主題四「未盡之路,不停歇」。 再依據研究結果,對未來研究方向、關心特殊教育和性別議題之相關人員,以及公共政策推動者提出建議。在論文最後,研究者對研究歷程中之所思所感做一省思。


The purpose of this research is to explore the teaching experiences of four male special education school teachers in the “female-centered” teaching environment, to understand the feelings of their teaching experiences, to observe the relations of daily care between male teachers and handicapped students through and to investigate how the male teachers regard their work from the point of view of gender. The research is based on “hermeneutic phenomenological methodology”. A semi-structured in-depth interview was conducted to collect texts from four male teachers who are working in the different departments—preschool department, elementary department, junior department, and vocational department of the special education school. “The thematic analysis method” is applied to analyze the texts and develop four essential common themes to elaborate the teaching experiences of the four male teachers. The teaching experiences of male special education school teachers are analyzed as followed: firstly, it was filled with difficulties and challenges to the teachers on the beginning of their teaching careers. Secondly, the condition became better when the teachers faced and tried to overcome all of the difficulties and challenges in their teaching processes. Thirdly, teachers felt and found values from teaching work, and were willing to devote themselves continuously to the cultivation of special education. Fourthly, it is an endless journey which the teachers keep going forwards. Finally, several suggestions are proposed for people who concern about special education, gender issues, governmental policies, and future research.


