  • 學位論文


A Study of the Association Between Job Stress and Smoking Behaviors Among Basic Unit Police Officers

指導教授 : 陳品玲


論文名稱:外勤基層警察人員工作壓力與吸菸相關行為之探討 研究所名稱:臺北醫學大學護理學研究所 研究生姓名:蘇秋敏 畢業時間:九十八學年度第一學期 指導教授:陳品玲臺北醫學大學護理學研究所教授 吸菸被認為是影響人類健康的重大危險因子,若未能有效控制吸菸問題,將耗盡相當龐大的醫療資源。警察人員必須執行取締未成年者吸菸行為,若本身為吸菸者,與其職業模範角色與社會期許互相衝突。工作壓力長期處於負向價值觀會對特定族群產生行為的改變,而且這些行為又以飲酒、藥物濫用、過度吸菸、暴力行為及自殺等行為居多。故本研究之主旨為探討外勤基層警察人員工作壓力與吸菸行為之相關。 本研究採橫斷式研究設計,於2009年4月期間,以台北縣各警察局之分駐派出所之外勤基層警察人員為母群體,依選樣標準採集束選樣選出24個分駐派出所,共387位研究樣本,以結構式問卷進行問卷資料收集。研究工具採自擬之結構式問卷共47題,含個人基本資料、吸菸相關行為及工作壓力量表;工作壓力量表之內在一致性Cronbach’s α 為 .94,資料分析以SAS10.1版套裝統計軟體進行描述性統計、卡方檢定(Chi-Square test)、T-test、羅吉斯回歸(Logistic Regression)分析。 本研究發現外勤基層警察人員之目前吸菸率為50.66%,其性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、官階、服務年資以及工作是否曾經遭遇生命威脅與吸菸行為顯著相關。非吸菸支外勤基層警察人員工作場所二手菸暴露率62.90%,年齡、婚姻狀況、服務年資則與二手菸環境暴露有顯著差異。吸菸者之戒菸動機比率為56.02%,不同年齡者之戒菸動機有顯著差異。 從外勤基層警察人員的工作壓力來看,整體工作壓力有偏高情形,其所面臨的壓力依序為外部因素壓力、個人因素壓力及內部因素壓力,本研究發現目前吸菸行為與個人因素壓力有顯著差異,目前吸菸者在個人因素壓力感受顯著高於非目前吸菸者,但工作壓力高低能否預測吸菸行為方面,所有變項皆未達顯著差異。 依本研究結果建議在警察人員的工作環境中規劃合適的菸害防制策略,提升警察人員的健康。 關鍵詞:基層警察人員、吸菸行為、工作壓力


基層警察 吸菸 壓力


Tobacco use is an important risk factor related with human health, which will increase the cost of medical services. Basic unit police officers occupy an important position in the community as both enforcers of the law and role models for appropriate behaviors. High job stress was found to be associated with high-risked behaviors such as alcohol consumption, tobacco use, drug abuse, and suicide. The purpose of this study was to determine the association of job stress with smoking behaviors among basic unit police officers. A cross-sectional study design was conducted in 2009. 387 basic unit police officers were recruited using cluster sampling from 24 police substations of Taipei County. Self- administrated questionnaires were used to collect: a) demographic characteristics (gender, age, marital status, level of education, the official rank, seniority, experience of threaten with their life on duty), b) smoking behaviors, c) job stress. Internal reliability of job stress scale was reached with cronbach’s α of .94. Data were analyzed using Chi-Square test, T-test, logistic regression with SAS version 10.1. The results in this research were found that the current smoking rate was 50.66%; gender, age, marital status, level of education, the official rank, seniority were significantly associated with smoking behaviors among basic unit police officers. The percentage of environmental tobacco exposure among non-current smokers was 62.90%. Gender, marital status, seniority were significantly associated with environmental tobacco exposure. Among current smokers, the percentage of quitting smoking was 56.02%. Age was significantly associated with attempt of quit smoking. In job stress, external job stress was the highest subscore, followed by individual job stress and internal job stress. Current smokers had higher individual job stress than others. However, none of these job stresses were associated with the prediction of smoking behaviors. In conclusion, the smoking prevalence was higher in basic unit police officers than general population. The development of smoking prevention program is needed to reduce tobacco use for health promotion among basic unit police officers. Keyword: Basic unit police officers, Smoking behavior, Job stress




